YAMAHA SEROW 250 2019款与 HONDA CRF250L 2019款性能参数对比 380 -- 30:05 App 好手艺!焕然一新的 雅马哈YZ125 2冲程越野摩托!INSANE YZ125 2 Stroke 1094 -- 2:27 App 便捷,安全的摩托车运输系统 Risk Racing Lock-N-Load Pro 1640 -- 1:17 App 2025款的雅马哈YZF-R3,跟旧款比起来总感觉怪怪...
Therefore, this study was aimed to establish immunohematological reference range among HIV sero-negative pregnant women. A cross-sectional study was conducted among HIV sero-negative pregnant women at St. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20/1–30/6...
The other cohort consisted of seropositive mothers whose infants have then been monitored for a mean period of 15 months after delivery. Peptides, 15 residues long, representing the major B-cell immunodominant regions of env, gag, and pol gene-encoded proteins were tested for antibody binding ...
Serodiagnosis of Leishmania donovani infections: assessment of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays using recombinant L. donovani gene B protein (GBP) and a ... The repetitive sequence of Leishmania major gene B protein (GBP) has previously been shown to be a useful tool in the diagnosis of cuta...