(Following Jesus to Build a New Church!) 2020 - 02 - 09 PM 靠耶穌得勝 (Victory Through Jesus!) 2020 - 02 - 02 PM 神的自我啟示 (The Self-Revelation of God) 2020 - 01 - 26 PM 大使命 (The Great Commission) 2020 - 01 - 16 PM 你本人的心病 (The Plague of Your Own Heart) 2020...
"The Cost of Discipleship" 06 - 02 -2013 AM "Could This be Your Greatest Sin?" 06 - 02 - 2013 PM "Demonic Conflict and Conversion" 05 - 26 - 2013 AM "Why Men do not Yield to Christ" 05 - 26 - 2013 PM "Fight the Good Fight of Faith" 05 - 19 - 2013 AM "No Struggle?
While it is certainly true that many of our public institutions are bloated and inefficient and in need of reform, when we destroy them wholesale in this manner, we fail to reckon with the very real human cost of these actions. Even worse, when we privatize our public works, whether it i...
Jesus is with you when you brush your teeth, when you wrangle yourself and your family out the door, when you walk into your office, when you are in the grocery store, while you’re driving, when you greet a stranger, when you’re doing every ordinary and extraordinary thing you do in...
Our worship theme this month has beenseeking, and when I started to think of what I would say in a sermon on this theme, one of the first things that came to mind was the song I just quoted, “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,” by U2. This was the second track ...
He is not unrighteous to forget either the cost or labour of love (Hebrews 6:10). We find Christ taking particular notice what was cast into the treasury (Mark 12:41). Though what is offered be but little, while it is according to our ability, though it be a contribution to the ...
Today he brings the story of the rich young ruler who had it all; met Jesus; but refused to pay the cost of following Christ. ...see more December 13, 2024 Play He Knows My Name Pastor Jack Graham brings a message today from the “His Story, Your Story” series examining the...
4."Thou shalt not be forgotten of Me." Thou hast forgotten Me, the mighty cost at which I redeemed thee. Thou hast forgotten the way by which I led thee in the wilderness, the miracles I wrought for thee, the manna with which I fed thee, the rock of which I made thee drink, the...
2:1On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there,2and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding.3When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” ...
That has to be the answer to our detractors also. Oh yes, as we travel our journey following Jesus, there will be barriers and stumbling blocks to overcome. But our answer must always be, The man who saved me told me to.” Know this from 1 John 4:4“You, dear children, are from...