(Another Step Toward Victory) 2018 - 06 - 23 PM 海博士在慶祝他傳道60週年的儀式上講話 "我一生中神賜的福分" (Dr. Hymers Speaks On His 60th Anniversary in Ministry "The Blessings of My Life" ) 2018 - 04 - 08 PM 聖經與如今的離道反教! (The Bible And Today's Apostasy!) 2018 - 06...
RELIGION FOR ITS O W N SAKE : The Inner Victory Two Hundred Little Sermonsdoi:10.1007/BF00779041Park, Charles EKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersPharmaceutical Chemistry Journal
And according to First Timothy Chapter one verse eight to ten, the law is a great thing, it’s a wonderful thing, it’s a glorious thing and as Seventh day Adventist we are uniquely positioned to preach the goodness and benevolence of the law, the glories of the law, but the law is...
Where should Diyanet (the PRA) be positioned in this table? It can be argued that the PRA exhibits a hybrid approach, encompassing both church-sponsored and state-sponsored characteristics of civil religion. The institution represents Sunni Islam, which is the most widely practiced religion in Turk...