Building Our Faith on the Foundation of Christ 2 Peter 1:1–4 Neville Buchanan 3/12/2023 The Goal of the Christian Life Phil.3:10-11 Neville Buchanan 3/05/2023 How do I become a Christian? John 1:1 Neville Buchanan 2/25/2023 The Bible’s Boon for B-coming like the Beloved Son ...
Sermons on the Last Days Sermons on the Last Days expand and explain a passage of Scripture from 2 Timothy 3:1-9, which looks at the changing nature of our world. Sermons on the Last Days! Many people are feeling the tensions of a changing world and are wondering, …[Read More...]...
James Russell Miller was born on March 20, 1840 at Frankfort Springs, Pennsylvania and died on July 2, 1912. Besides authoring over 80 books, booklets, and pamphlets, Dr. J.R. Miller was the Editorial Superintendent of the Presbyterian Board of Publication and a very active pastor in a suc...
沃尔涡德博士 (Dr. John F. Walvoord) 是一位极受尊敬的圣经学者,他说, 我研究〔圣经〕豫言已有许多年了;虽然我不相信我们能为主的回归定日期,我确实感到如今世上充满了一种前所未有的危机,这可被视为在主回归之前的预备工作(John F. Walvoord, Th.D., quoted inAre We Living in the Last Days?, T...
Israel in Egypt might live on garlic and onions, but Israel in the wilderness must be fed with the manna that came down from heaven, and with the water that gushed out of the rock, when it was smitten by the rod of God. The child of God, while he is yet in his sins, may, ...
THE WRATH OF SATAN IN THE LAST DAYS (Simplified Chinese) 海罗伯博士(Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.)著 主日,二○一三年十二月八日早 于洛杉矶浸信会幕所讲之道 A sermon preached at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles Lord's Day Morning, December 8, 2013 ...
40+ years of verse by verse expositional sermons on every book of the New Testament and a lot of the Old Testament. Over the last 4 years I’ve listened to every book Pastor John has in the library. I don’t agree with MacArthur 100%, but I find his scholarship unsurpassed. I trust...
It is particularly relevant to invoke this liberatory narrative on Rosh Hashanah, of all days. Indeed, one of the central themes of this day is the concept of Malchuyot –God’s ultimate sovereignty over our lives and our world. Even if you don’t adhere to the literal belief in God as...
01 Last Days are Now 01 Sermons on 01 Sermons on 01 Welcome 70 Weeks of Years A Good Work A Message to Everyone A Message to Israel A New Heaven A Plot of Land Account before the Almighty
01 Last Days are Now 01 Sermons on 01 Sermons on 01 Welcome 70 Weeks of Years A Good Work A Message to Everyone A Message to Israel A New Heaven A Plot of Land Account before the Almighty After The Tribulation Period Age of Grace Ends Age of the...