“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13; p. 80). If I were you, and I were unconverted, I would follow the eunuch’s example and prepare yourself to hear the gospel preaching every service. I would stop watching all...
Jeremiah 29 verse 11 says for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and the future. That were prosper you has been linked to prosperity doctrine or some Christians were the pastors are not call it as an internal peace and ...
Craft Activities for Children: Jeremiah’s Message of Hope for Israel, (Jeremiah 31:7-14) Short Creative Childrens Sermons Object Lessons Get Creative! Children’s Sermon in a Sack Bible Object Lesson Sermon for Kids on Salvation Good Dirt & Good Seeds Children’s Sermon Children’s Sermon...
Jeremiah: 15:11. The Lord said, "Surely, I will set you free for purposes of good; Surely I will cause the enemy to make supplication to you in a time of disaster and a time of distress." Are you praying for your enemies? September 2024 Part 2 Ezekiel 11:8. You have feared a ...
“Daniel’s Reaction to the Fall of Babylon” • Daniel 9:1-8 – Brother Jonah Lowrance –Daniel has been reading in the book of Jeremiah and understands that God is about to deliver Israel from the hands of the Babylonians as He had promised. But Daniel does not become arrogant or ...
SOME CONSIDERATIONS ON THE PROSE SERMONS IN THE BOOK OF JEREMIAHThis article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )doi:10.1080/00062278.1973.10596985C. BREKELMANSBijdragen
A. Jeremiah 5:20-25 Devils Incarnate W. Clarkson, B. A. Jeremiah 41:1-10 Sensual Self-Indulgence W. Clarkson, B. A. Jeremiah 41:8 Sin Hindered by Sin W. Clarkson, B. A. Jeremiah 41:8 Too Near the Edge W. Clarkson, B. A. Jeremiah 41:17 The Course and Doom of Arrogance W....
Watch Dr. David Jeremiah from Turning Point sermon videos free online! Today's Christian TV show broadcasts and all sermons from Dr. David Jeremiah.
This in Hebrews 8 is from Jeremiah 31:31ff and is quoted by the author. God long ago had prophesied in this very place that it would be done away with & replaced with a new covenant. To be sure, the author could have quoted some very convincing and powerful words of Christ and his...
Jeremiah 23:33-40 A.F. Muir I. THE HONOR OF GOD IS BOUND UP WITH HIS WORD. 1. It expresses his character. A careful, gradual unfolding of himself in his attributes and personal relations. 2. It declares his will. (1) His Law; (2) his gospel; both of which express his ...