"FEED MY SHEEP" 02 - 21 - 2016 PM "RESCUE THE PERISHING" 02 - 14 - 2016 PM "PETER – CALLED, CONVICTED AND CONVERTED" 02 - 14 - 2016 AM "LOT’S WIFE" (Sermon #87 on the Book of Genesis) 01 - 31 - 2016 AM "THE SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST" 01 - 31 - 2016 PM "SAVED OR DAMN...
(Feed My Sheep) 2016 - 02 - 21 PM 像篩麥子一樣(Sifted Like Wheat) 2016 - 02 - 21 AM 搭救垂死之人 (Rescue the Perishing) 2016 - 02 - 14 PM 彼得的被召、認罪、與轉變 (Peter - Called, Convicted and Converted) 2016 - 02 - 14 AM 基督受的苦難 (The Sufferings of Christ...
That’s the core idea behind similar cliches like “this life is not our home,” or “it will all be better in heaven,” or “I’m just passing through on my way to heaven.” They’re all saying that God made more than we can see. And that’s true. In fact, Philippians 3 tel...
He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something...
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Thy Name: My Name'I have called thee by thy name.'--ISAIAH xliii. 1. 'Every one that is called by My name.'--ISAIAH xliii. 7. Great stress is laid on names in Scripture. These two parallel and antithetic clauses bring out striking complementary relations between God and the collective...
Perhaps it was to remind people that the temple’s sacrificial sheep came in through this gate. It’s likely that Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice, entered through this gate on this journey into Jerusalem. I don’t know, but it could be, amen?
27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 14:12-14 12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. 13 And whatever you ask in...
Yet to this poor man, looking after sheep and cattle on the downs, and pondering on the wrongs and misery around, the word of the Lord came, and he knew that God had spoken to him, and that he must go and speak to men, at the risk of his life, what God had bidden, against ...
I will pour my Spirit out upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, the young shall see visions, the old shall dream dreams. And everyone who calls on the name of God will be saved! Luke: And that’s the story of Pentecost! THE END!