Power from On High from 2 Peter 1 Keeping Our Awe In Jesus Authority Over Evil Living Under Christ’s Authority Bring Us to Jesus Parables of Promise Wisdom of Christ from Proverbs 14 Disciples of the Lord From Mark 3 Finding Rest in Jesus from Mark 2 & 3 Healing By Grace from Mark 2...
“Received” • 1st Corinthians 2:9-16 Elder Bryce Lowrance. Continuing his message on the miracle of the preaching of the gospel, Elder Lowrance finishes the rest of chapter 2 in the message focusing on the word “received.” There are two definitions for this word that apply in Paul’...
But Jesus also came to redeem our lives right here on earth. No matter the situation, hope is not lost, because God is at work here on earth as he is in heaven. Jesus took on flesh because God cares about our bodies and lives and tears and sufferings. There’s more than meets the ...
The Shape of Christian Worship Check out our latestReformed Basicsepisode with Douglas Wilson!
Tozer addressed the state of the evangelical church even more bluntly in Keys to the Deeper Life. In a chapter entitled “No Revival Without Reformation”, he stated: “A widespread revival of the kind of Christianity we know today in America might prove to be a moral tragedy from which we...
BASED ON ACTS 2:1-21 This communal reading replaces the formal reading of Acts on Pentecost Sunday. Directions: Assign parts. If read in the sanctuary, position various readers around the chancel and in the pews. If read virtually, double check to be sure all readers are unmuted before beg...
Decision Time - Part 2 Life is all about making decisions and in the Christian life there are key decisions to be made. In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares from Acts chapter 2, where the church was born, focusing on decisions we need to make in this life in order to follow Jes...
We see all through the Gospels and the first part of Acts, Jesus preparing the disciples to take on His ministry. In John chapter 17 Jesus prays for Himself and His disciples. In verse 18 He prays, “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” Jesus sent His...
Just a bit later, in chapter 15, Jesus drops another bomb on them. Once He leaves, things are going to get bad. “The world hates you…If they persecuted Me [and oh did they ever], they will also persecute you” (15:19-20). You can imagine their thoughts here: Wait, you’re ...
Sound Doctrine (Audio Sermons) Audio Sermons by Book Video & Audio Sermon Playlists World Wide Radio Evangelism School A Cappella Singing Baptism & The Thief on the Cross Book of Acts Series Preaching with Inspiration Adair Chapman Sermon Best 35 A Cappella Songs Links & Resources...