“Fear God More than Man” • 1st Samuel 16 & Acts 9 – Brother Jonah Lowrance. As children of God, we have the responsibility to make good choices in our discipleship. Part of those choices includes how we deal with the power of men and the power of God. When we fear men more ...
The principle, When man acts in faith, God acts in love, is seen all throughout the Scriptures. “Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole, and everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live” (Numbers 21:8-9). “By faith, Noah…built an ark to the saving of his famil...
That’s the closest analogy I can give right now to how the crowd must have felt when Jesus went to the Temple on Palm Sunday instead of marching on the Romans. The false hope of what they meant by “Hosannah” on Palm Sunday quickly turned into the deadly “Crucify him!” on Good F...
21 The literature on the medieval sermon studies and the way in which Christian preachers shaped religious, social, and cultural identities is vast. Among the most important works are: Nicole Bériou and David d’Avray, eds, Modern Questions about Medieval Sermons: Essays on Mar-riage, Death,...