December 11, 2022 –“Abiding in the Vine” • John 15:1-17 Brother Jonah Lowrance. & “The Miracle of Preaching the Gospel” • 1st Corinthians 2:1-10 Elder Bryce Lowrance. December 11, 2022 “Abiding in the Vine” • John 15:1-17 Brother Jonah Lowrance. Just as Jesus Christ ...
Jesus is the head of that economy which is spiritual, gracious, and abiding. 2. Let us rejoice that we are not come to Sinai, but Zion; not under the law, but under grace; not the followers of Moses, but the disciples of Christ. 3. If disobedience to Moses and his law was ...
Free full length sermons, Bible studies, messages, resources for Biblical sermon workshops focused on Jesus Christ.
The Passing and the Abiding W. Clarkson Isaiah 40:6-8 God: His Presence, Power, and Grace W. Clarkson Isaiah 40:9, 10 The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ W. Clarkson Isaiah 40:11 The Greatness of God and the Littleness of Man W. Clarkson Isaiah 40:12-17 The Hopelessness and the ...
John 14:6-9 Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the LifePDF John 14:12-14 Alive in ChristPDF John 15:1–11 The True Vine and the BranchesPDF John 15:26-27 Abiding in the Holy SpiritPDF John 17:1-5 The High Priestly Prayer of JesusPDF ...
From the mundane to the magnificent, Hope takes what our eyes miss and reveals beneath it the promise of Christ’s abiding presence and enduring wisdom. A.K.A. Jesus: 22 Sketches for Recognizing the Present-Tense Christ will awaken your spirit to find the sacred in the profane, laughter ...
Our worship theme this month has beenseeking, and when I started to think of what I would say in a sermon on this theme, one of the first things that came to mind was the song I just quoted, “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,” by U2. This was the second track ...
Jesus doesn’t want us to carry around our baggage of sin; he frees us from that and scatters it far and wide. It takes a lot for us to let that sink in. Total forgiveness for our awful stench of sin. Us hanging on to the sin can lead to darkness, if we don’t cling to the...
Biblical teachings for personal Bible study, daily devotions and sermon preparation with abiding principles and practical applications. Here is a dictionary of the rich terms used in the Christian vocabulary. Why study a vocabulary on Biblical Christianity?
The Collect that we pray this morning asks God to make in us a mansion worthy of Jesus’ abiding. We think of that line from the Gospel of John that we hear, too often at funerals, but which applies at all times:In my father’s house are many mansions … and I go there to prepar...