(論《創世記》第十九講/ Sermon #19 on the Book of Genesis) (Noah Found Grace!) 2017 - 06 - 24 PM 挪亞方舟所描述的福音(論挪亞的日子 第九講 / The Days of Noah – Part IX) (The Gospel Pictured by the Ark) 2017 - 06 - 18 PM 仰望耶穌 (Looking Unto Jesus) 2017 - 06 - 11 AM...
Genesis 3:13 adds, “And the LORD God said to the woman, ‘What is this you have done?’ The woman said, ‘The serpent deceived me, and I ate.’” Thus, from what Jesus says in John 8:44 regarding Satan’s part in this episode, we find that God held Satan guilty of murder. ...
Pastor Patrick Hines has recently had a brand new book published, called, “Earth’s Foundational History – Part 1: Genesis Chapters 1 Through 5.” (Paperback – May 4, 2023)https://cutt.ly/16RCeZ0 These two books are also available on Amazon. All proceeds go directly to Pastor Hines:...
The gifts of the Spirit were not to confirm the scriptures as canon but it expressly says the gifts were given by the Holy Spirit to build up the Body of Christ, the Church Trusting God In The Shaking, A Conflict Of Powers: Exodus 8 & Genesis 26 ...
Facebook Island Pond Baptist Church Island Pond Baptist Church20 hours ago Join us as we worship God today through singing and studying his word! Pastor Kyle preaches on Genesis 27. This service was recorded the day before on 2/15/25. Island Pond Worship Service 2/16/25 2View on Face...
I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh. Genesis 6:17-22 The flood Bp. Thorold. I.The first fact that strikes us in the story of the flood is this: that God, on account of the wickedness to which the world had grown, had made up His mind...
3 See Genesis 6:5-9. 4 Romans 3:23. 5 2 Corinthians 5:10. 6 This is assuming they followed the custom of many Galillean Jews to bypass Samaria. 7 Given James’ status as an “elder” in the church at Jerusalem (Acts 15) approximately AD 51, he almost certainly couldn’t have be...
Chronology of the Kingdom of IsraelChronological chart of the Kings and Prophets of Israel from Saul to Malachi.PDF Introduction to Genesis: In the BeginningPDF Genesis 1:1 In the Beginning . . . Genesis 1:1PDF Genesis 2-3 Eve, the Mother of All MothersPDF ...
GREATEST DOCTRINES OF THE BIBLE by Ken Raggio Some of the articles below come from the book, "Greatest Doctrines of the Bible." The Oneness of God God is a Spirit, and Jesus is the Incarnation of that Spirit. This is a concise Genesis-to-Revelation overview of the nature of God.VE...