“King David’s New Year’s Resolution” • Psalm 27 – Elder Bryce H. Lowrance –We all make resolutions for the New Year or at other times but very often those goals focus on ourselves. David understood that his only source of strength and courage came from the LORD. Therefore, he ...
As Sarah Thompson reminded us in her guest sermon last night, we must begin the year by focusing on the end – even if we know that by the end of the year we will not have arrived at the ultimate end we seek. To paraphrase the Vision for Black Lives, we recognize that some of the...
For me, in March 1987 I was reaching the end of my first year of graduate school in mathematics. What I was looking for was education and training; I was hoping for a career as a professor at a research university. But what was Ireallylooking for? What were the deeper longings underlyi...
They share the details behind their unique journeys, their hope for reconciliation, and how they’re choosing to rely on the Lord as they wait. Leave Us a Voicemail Link to Counseling Services Abusive Relationships Page Culture: Why Care About Church History? We know about the New Testament ...
The True End of Sacrifice, - Entire Consecration to God W. Clarkson Leviticus 1:2-17 God's Pleasure in Man W. Clarkson Leviticus 1:17 Our Recognition of the Hand of God in the Blessings of Life W. Clarkson Leviticus 2:1-16 Priest and People: Reciprocal Services W. Clarkson Leviticus ...
If we continue to lost about twenty members per year for various reasons, this church will be dead in thirteen years. If this church continues to be every bit as loving, every bit as serving, every bit as kind as it has been, it will need to book itself a spot in the Columbarium ...
” Don’t let the name scare you though, there are some great online services that can get your podcast up and running in minutes, with no technical experience needed. These podcasting services allow you to upload your audio files and then host them for you online. They also create your ...
Many would say around New Year’s Day or at the time of epiphany, while others want the house de-garlanded (is that a word) by the time the sun sets on December 26.When do the decorations go UP and DOWN for you in your house?
In the fourth year of King Darius, the word of the LORD came to Zechariah on the fourth day of the ninth month, the month of Chislev. Sermons Religious Beliefs and Religious Services Homilist Zechariah 7:1-3 The Left Ones in Captivity Zechariah 7:1-3 Religious Beliefs that are Right; ...
no baskets for collecting, no loaves or fishes left. Withholding all your plenty, we measure to each one too little for the justice that’s begging to be done. O Christ, in wasteful mercy, come kindly and impart in overflowing measure ...