Sermon Videos Email Dr. Hymers Support Our Ministry Search The purpose of this website is to provide free sermon manuscripts and sermon videos to pastors and missionaries throughout the world, especially the Third World, where there are few if any theological seminar...
“Is the Bible Reliable?”– The fourth sermon was for a regular church worship service on the 20th Sunday after Pentecost, October 11, 2015. The church was doing a sermon series on “Explore God,” exploring topics related to questions about God. Keeley was invited to preach on “Is the...
A Hope That Does Not Disappoint: Second Lesson Sermons for Sundays After Pentecost (First Third) Cycle CBilly D. Strayhorn
Lord, Send the Wind: First Lesson Sermons for Pentecost Middle Third, Cycle CJames McLemore
The experiences of Elijah, Elisha, and Amos shared in this book of sermons are lessons for the people of God and the church today."-- from the Preface Stewart's messages focus on the prophetic dimension of preaching: calling the people back to God, calling them to personal and social ...