(A Christmas Text for You and Me) 2018 - 12 - 23 PM 感恩節的一場戰鬥 (A Thanksgiving Battle) 2018 - 11 - 18 PM 中國 – 與浪子 (在華人中秋節喜慶活動時所宣之道)) (China - And the Prodigal Son - A Sermon Given at the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival) 2012 - 09 - 30 PM 中國成功...
This “heavenly rebrand” signifies deeper intimacy with God, a promise to be a blessing to others, and the assurance of a heavenly homeland. Pastor Kyle highlights the transition from circumcision as the old covenant sign to baptism as the new covenant sign, symbolizing spiritual transformation ...
ByjefferisAugust 13, 2023Leave a comment Authority and power come through submission to higher authorities, whether spiritual or natural. Jesus submitted to John at Baptism. Why did he need to do so to “fulfill all righteousness”? How are we to honor one another? What do biblical humility...
We offer nursery during the morning worship service for newborns and infants but encourage people to keep as many of their children as they can with them for morning worship. The audio of the service is in the nursery via speakers. There is also a crying room with a video screen and audio...
This intrinsic trust looks for a hope outside of this fallen world. We see in these first few verses that faith allows us to see and believe that the universe was created in order by the Son of God, Jesus Christ. And, if this faith is in us, we can use it to live in hope of ...
5. Baptism For Children You are a loving parent. You want to prepare your child for believer’s baptism. Your are thinking: What’s the best way to prepare my child for baptism? As a believer you want your child’s baptism to be a special moment in their spiritual journey. We all wa...
1.The water through which Noah and his family passed into their ark was like the water of holy baptism, through which a Christian, penitent and believing, finds his way into the Church of the living God. 2.St. Peter exhibits the flood to us also as a prophecy. The flood of waters be...
Baptism 101 Rom.6:1-11 Carter Guin 5/29/2022 #9 Leviticus Leviticus Robert Murphy 5/25/2022 Called to Sign-Up for Summer Luke 5:27-32 Neville Buchanan 5/22/2022 #8 Leviticus Leviticus Robert Murphy 5/18/2022 Forming a Firm Family Philippians 1:9-11 Neville Buchanan 5/15/2022 #7 ...
Sabbath Sermons is a West Australian historical Adventist resource information ministry standing upon the original platform of Seventh Day Adventist truth.
Dr. Hyles was Pastor of First Baptist Church from August, 1959 until his death in February, 2001. In the last five years of his ministry, this church had an average weekly attendance of over 15,000 with approximately 10,000 baptisms each year. For many years, the church has been acclaim...