The Shepherd of our Souls Psalm 23 Robert Murphy 10/29/22 Marriage Mold Genesis 2 & 3 Neville Buchanan 10/23/22 S.E.E. THE LAMB OF GOD JOHN 1:35-42 Neville Buchanan 10/16/22 Fickle, Flawless, & Faithful 1 PETER 2:1-5 Neville Buchanan 10/9/22 Questions Born Out of Adversity Ma...
57. Preached before the Governor and Council, and the House of Assembly, in Georgia, on January 28, 1770. (Zech. 4:10) 58. The Method of Grace. (Jeremiah 6:14) 59. The Good Shepherd [A Farewell Sermon (The last sermon which Whitefield preached in London, on Wednesday, August 30th...