Pray, Stand, Speak, Fight 42:27 Joshua Gregory • 7/14/24 Joshua Gregory Messages - 周日服务 Prophets and Prophecy - Part 3 53:16 Devon Grannum • 7/7/24 Grace Fellowship Church - 使徒彼多羅之第二公書 1:16-21 The Revelation Through The Tabernacle - Part 2 44:21 Rod Mitchell...
" They would cry and then man took a dirty hankerchief and wiped his tears. The wide decided she wanted his hankerchief and they began to fight over it, back and forth like little children. When it came time to receive the offering for the evening, the man reached into his pocket and ...
than a realizing belief of the divine government and providence, to realize that God is Governor among the nations, that his government is wise and just, and that all our times and changes are in his hands, and at his disposal, will have the happiest tendency...
I want them to be prepared to fight for the light in their choices and to continue fighting even when it feels like it’s not making a difference, even when it seems they are fighting an uphill battle, even in the darkest night of their souls. Good will triumph. Spoiler Alert. The gr...
When we are wronged in some way, our natural inclination is to fight back, to get even. Needless to say, this reaction, though thoroughly human, is almost always in error. "Forgiveness," said Epictetus, "is better than revenge, for forgiveness is the sign of a gentle nature, but revenge...
terrible retreat; but still there is hope—hope that will grow and increase, and come daily nearer to its accomplishment. "The shout of a King is among us," and we cannot be moving on to ultimate defeat. There is a battle, terrible enough, to fight; but victory is the end, not ...
we are fighting for a living minimum wage in Pasadena, for the right to safe, affordable water for all people in the state, for the end of abuses in our criminal justice system. I hope that we will take up the fight against school "reform," too - one of the great anti-union Wall...
If my kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight for me so that I would not fall into the Jews’ might and force. Now, my kingdom is not of this world.” [37] Pilate said to him, “Then you are still a king if you have a kingdom.” Jesus replied, “You say...
I will do so no more." The day before he had gone out to fight against his own son-in-law, in order to slay him. Sometimes Saul was among the prophets, easily turned into a prophet, and then afterwards among the witches; sometimes in one place, and then another, and insincere in ...
The skyline of our city is shown once and again throughout Rocky, especially in that iconic scene, right before the big fight, when Rocky bounds up the Art Museum steps. You can picture it, right? It’s like Philly itself is one of the characters, right there alongside Paulie and Adria...