Favorites-To-Go! tag this sermon. listen on-the-go.SERMON INFOIntroduction of the theme. Doing God's will, fulfilling His purposes in one's own generation. In particulare, considering the Adversaries a church may face. SERIES 3 OF 9ARBCA GA 2002 | rss | more > ...
53:40 Anthony Zurlo • 5/5/24 Body of Christ Serving Jersey - The Book of Luke Revelation 10:8-11 - Prophetic Ministry 45:12 Timothy Schmidt • 5/5/24 Firth Bible Church - Revelation Glorifying God in Our Christian Freedom 46:28 Nathan White • 5/5/24 Christ Reformed Baptist...
47:07 Shawn Reynolds • 8/14/24 Sovereign Grace Church - Ruth Series Righteous Judgment 50:10 Paul Priest • 8/14/24 Heritage Baptist Church - 大五得詩 103:8-14; 使徒馬竇傳福音書 7:7-12Never Alone: Part 2 51:51 Jon Couch • 8/14/24 100+ This Day Ministries - An Exp...
It is a reflection of the only thing Jesus ever built—the local church. In this sermon series, Pastor Ed Young unpacks the power of the table in our own lives, and shows us what role we play in serving and dining on the greatest meal in the world, the Bread of Life....
Serving a Heavenly Master 39:14 Joe Monagas • 1/22/23 Tottenville Evangelical Free - Ephesians Christians in the Workplace (Practical & Spiritual Advice) 1:16:27 Nate • 12/16/22 300+ Sound the Battle Cry - 宣道者書 9:10; 者米士即牙可百之公書 3 The Hard Working Woman 1:04...
Romans 12:6-8“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributin...
sermon on the mount登山宝训(指圣经马太福音中耶稣在山上所说的话);山上宝训 sermon同义词 n. 布道;训诫;启示;冗长的讲话 mission,message sermon词源中文解释 约公元1200年, sermoun, sarmun,指“对圣经经文的演讲; 被传讲的内容”,源自盎格鲁-法语的 sermoun,古法语 sermon, sermun,意为“言语,话语,演...
Waiting On The Rain 46:04 Pastor Brian Warren • 7/3/24 Gospel Light Baptist Church - 撒母以勒之第二書 21:1-14 To God be the Glory 39:21 Darren Cadapen • 7/3/24 East Dulwich Tabernacle - The Book of Isaiah The Enduring Value of Serving God 26:45 Pastor Darrell Bailey ...
a big man with a big heart. I have been impressed by his support of E. in her activities at H. C. Church, and also at H. C. E. Centre, where with us she has worked as a volunteer serving the local community. There will be a gap left by the passing of M., for he was ...
Religious discourse; a written or spoken address on a religious or moral matter. Lecture An earnest admonition or reproof; a reprimand. Sermon A lengthy speech of reproval. Lecture To deliver a lecture or series of lectures. Sermon To discourse to or of, as in a sermon. Lecture To deliver...