The Perfect Passover Lamb 19:24 Bob Grass • 8/18/24 Living Word Bible Church - Lord's Supper The Name Above Every Name 38:13 Paul Mourreale • 8/18/24 Covenant Reformed Church - Summer in the Psalms The Church in Pergamos - Pt 3 56:41 Benjamin Cooley • 8/18/24 ...
was united to the Godhead, and not separated from it even in death; it saw no corruption. There is the apostle's argument, then: David speaking not of himself, but of someone else, says that the Lord will not suffer him to see corruption; and this he spake by the Spirit of the ve...
Angel voices, ever singing, round Thy throne of light, Angel harps, forever ringing, rest not day or night; Thousands only live to bless Thee, and confess Thee Lord of might. Thou Who art beyond the farthest mortal eye can scan, Can it be that Thou more ...
It's Best to Rest in the LORD (Than Putting Confidence In Men or Princes) 36:19Grant Van Leuven•9/9/24 Puritan Reformed Presby Church-大五得詩 118:8-9; 所羅們之俗語 3:5-6 Psalm 115:4–8 13:26David A. Brown•8/25/24 ...
Summary: Upon What Warrants a Sinner May Adventure to Rest and Rely Upon Christ for Salvation Man does not live by bread alone What is your preferred pronoun? Twelve Marks of Grace You shall remember the Lord your God, Overthrowing the Strongholds of Carnal Presumption ...
Sermon on the Mount Ser.mon on the Mount AHD:[sûr“m…n]D.J.[6s*8m*n]K.K.[6s)m*n]n.(名词)In the New Testament, a discourse of Jesus delivered on a Galilee mountainside.登山宝训:新约中耶稣在加利利山腰处发表的讲道 ...
No Rest For The Wicked 44:31 Jeff Early • 7/7/24 預知者亞摩士之書 6 Treasures in Heaven 37:50 Rev. Christopher J. Gordon • 6/9/24 使徒馬竇傳福音書 6:19-24 Because HE Is Worth It 40:17 Ian Hamilton • 5/19/24 100+ 使徒馬竇傳福音書 26:1-16...
In Search of True Spiritual Rest (Transcendence) 34:49 Rick Vasquez • 8/18/13 Skyview Presbyterian Church - 大五得詩 63; 使徒保羅與腓利們書 6A Testimony to Share 32:39 Rev. Thomas Yates • 9/1/20 Maryport Street Baptist Chapel - 大五得詩 66; 使徒保羅與腓利們書 6-7...
in Zechariah 4, “‘Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord,” (Elizabeth Achtemeier’s superb bookPreaching From the Old Testamenthas a helpful section on this problem). The Lectionary also gets very embarrassed about those pesky passages that express God’s ...
after Jamal; all that carnage was caused mainly because people chose to be lead by a woman. Here, Maula Ali is cautioning people against doing so in the future. I agree that this is specifically aimed towards Aisha, but it's also a word of caution against following women in leadersh...