The feast of Palm Sunday has been celebrated in our Church since the earliest days of Christianity, but the use of Palms in connection with religious celebrations goes all the way back to Old Testament times. Oddly enough Palm trees did not grow around the city of Jerusalem, and people would...
Or watch the video here on Facebook (the message starts 35 minutes into the recording). Or read the text summary below. Today is the fifth and last Sunday that we spend in John chapter 6. It has been a long and challenging 5 weeks. Next week, we go back to our journey through ...
The hesitancy of pastors is that if people only attend on Sundays, you get the celebration of Palm Sunday back to back with the Alleluias of Easter. High point. Even higher point. You miss why in just 5 days the same people that shouted “Hosanna” and waved palm branches, shouted “...
One important objection against accepting the authenticity of the Syriac Sermon on Palm Sunday as being from the hand of Ephrem the Syrian, is the use of explicit Trinitarian language in lines 426-431 of the sermon. This section of text forms part of the unit that consists of lines 418-447...
After an introduction, compelling and gripping or otherwise, then comes the body of the message, followed by an applicational conclusion. So where are people looking as they leave? If we are not careful, they will walk out with gaze firmly fixed on self. 1. Is there a problem with ...
Looking toward Palm Sunday 00:00 16:07 静音 M 调高音量 调低音量 增速 Shift+. 降低速度 Shift+, 向后跳过15秒 orJ 播放/暂停 SpaceorK 跳过15秒 orL 弹出播放器 扬声器 Paul Scharf 已录入 类别 播客 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2023年3月29日...
Abstract This essay examines the Holy Monday sermon by Boules George, a senior priest at St. Mark Church in Cairo, that was preached the day after the Palm Sunday suicide bomb attacks against St. George Coptic Orthodox Church in Tanta and St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria in ...
25:59 Paul Rendall • 3/24/24 Reformed Baptist Church - Palm Sunday Sermons Emptiness of Ritual 44:02 Don Bergstrom • 3/20/24 Grace Baptist Church - 所羅們之俗語 29:1; 先知以賽亞之書 1:10-15 I am Guilty 42:42 Pooyan Mehrshahi • 3/17/24 100+ Providence Baptist Chapel ...
Palm Sunday begins with unbridled joy as we recall how Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, while being acclaimed by the crowds with loud shouts of “Hosanna” and boisterous waving of palm branches. So today we begin with songs of praise and waving of palm branches as we hail Jesus...
The Lord's Message to Thyatira - Part 4 43:12 Ernest Henderson • 3/3/24 Grace Fellowship Church - Christ's Message to His Church Zeal and Penitence 42:18 Noel A. Espinosa • 2/25/24 Grace Baptist Church Los Baños - Message to Laodicea ...