Joshua – A Portrait of Obedience Pastor Paddick Van Zyl 21-10-2020 Sermon Outline Scripture Reference: Book of Joshua Chapters 1 through 24. Key verse : Joshua 1:5-9 5 No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be...
Verses 46 and 47 add an outline of the beautiful daily life of the community, which was, like their liberality, the outcome of the feeling of brotherhood, intensified by the sense of the gulf between them and the crooked generation from which they had separated themselves. Luke shows it on ...
2. Neither do they consider that the law requires perfect and entire obedience. 3. Neither do they recognize that obedience to the law must be perfect in degree. 4. The law condemns all who do not perform uninterrupted and perfect obedience. 5. It is the height of foolishness for sinful...
and this is implied rather than expressed. It is implied that the friend is to be a servant of Jesus Christ. Peter has just been shown, as in a mirror, the outline of his own future, and he puts the natural question touching
Concise outline of “The Witness of Our Own Spirit” 1. Such is the voice of every true believer in Christ, so long as they abide in faith and love. 2. What is the nature and ground of a Christian’s joy? 3. What are we to understand by conscience?
Understand though, there is -no such thing- as a "Lord's Prayer" (such as what we read in Matthew 6:9-15) in real life; instead, it's an outline Jesus gave the disciples so they could understand what to do. This lesson teaches US the basics of what to do, and is continued in...
faith and obedience, his descendants inherited the blessings and we inherit the blessings. God and Abraham. A covenant is between two parties. But it was God who made the covenant. He initiated it. Man knew nothing about it until God revealed it to His prophets and now to us. The ...