They know very well what I have said.” [22] Then one of the high priest’s officers hit him very hard close to his eye and said, “Are you going to answer the 592 Textshigh priest so arrogantly?” (St Bernard says that he struck him so hard that hell shook with that blow to...
Has He remained on me through 51 years? You don’t have to answer that question for me, that’s my question. But you have to answer it for yourself. People come to me and they say, “Brother Prince, in 1982 I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues.” I say, “...
than a realizing belief of the divine government and providence, to realize that God is Governor among the nations, that his government is wise and just, and that all our times and changes are in his hands, and at his disposal, will have the happiest tendency...
May the LORD Answer You 33:08 Zachary Simmons • 8/25/19 Resurrection Presbyterian - 大五得詩 20; 使徒保羅與弟羅撒尼亞輩第二書 1Evening Service - Praise God! 1:05:28 Andrew Whitehead • 11/29/20 West Park Church - 大五得詩 21; 使徒保羅與弟羅撒尼亞輩第二書 1:3-12...
Lydia was hungry for God. They just had to be introduced to Jesus. Jesus brings the way, the truth, the life. Jesus sets the captives free from sin and death. Jesus brings freedom to our world. This song was posted by Katy Nicole on TikTok with a simple caption “Can I pray this ...
came to that which is described in the first chapter of Genesis. The era of man is that which God describes to us by the inspired penman; and we are led to believe that this era will be a very short one. From the day when God fitted up this earth for the abode of man to the ...
Mr. Goodrich went on: "I hope it will be some comfort to know that we harbor no ill will in the matter. We know our God makes no mistakes. Bruce had an appointment with his Lord and is now secure in his celestial home. When the question is asked, 'Why did this happen?' perhaps...
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8). And it was “yesterday,” in a past time, that Christ came down from Heaven to live on this earth. “But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under...
Genesis 8:1-14 - Waiting on God 25:56 Greg Demme • 12/4/22 Grace Baptist Church of Minot - Genesis: The Why of Life And The Waters Prevailed 29:58 Brian Henson • 12/4/22 100+ Bethel Church - Genesis 1-11: In The Beginning Genesis 7:6-24 - A Flood of Judgment 34...
Unitarian Universalists aren't big on the idea of sin -- we're a "live and let live"-type of crowd. Many of us do not believe in God, so it follows that we don't believe in a God's laws, either. For many of the rest of us, the "Universalism" in our name remains powerful ...