Epiphany, which we celebrate today, centres on revelation of Christ to the world, and in particular to the Gentiles (those who are not Jewish). Our key text is in Matthew 2:1-12, where we learn about the magi (wise men or kings) who came from the East (possibly Persia, now Iran)...
Introduction to the New Testament: Romans to Revelation Web Page by Craig L Blomberg Annotations on the Whole Bible (66 .pdf files) Web Page by Matthew Poole Faith and Life: 'Conferences' in the Oratory of Princeton Seminary Web Page by B B Warfield ...
07:54 Paul Meredith • 1/13/24 Grace Baptist Church - Let's Open God's Word Podcast You Cannot Serve Two Kings 43:57 Phil Gerard • 12/17/23 Midway Bible Church - 神造萬物書 12:1-3; 使徒馬竇傳福音書 1:1Revelation Series (10) Babylon the Great 37:44 Rev. Randy Disharoon...
Whenever you assemble, there is not one of you who is not ready either with a song of praise, asermon, a revelation, a 'tongue,' or an interpretation. Let everything be done with a view to the building up of faith and character. (WEY) Links Bible Concordance•Bible Dictionary•Bibl...
Scripture:Revelation 2:1-29,Revelation 3:1-22 Tags:Revelation,Seven Churches Of Asia All The Parables Of Jesus Contributed on Mar 24, 2022 based on 1 rating | 129,402 views Sermons in Series:29 Scripture:Matthew 5:13-16 Tags:Witness,Light,Salt ...
Revelation 22 - Part 2: The Tree of Life 1:13:47 Dr. Aaron B. Campbell • 6/30/24 Glory Baptist Church - Revelation LBCF Ch. 14 - Saving Faith - Sec. 2 (Pt. 2) 54:11 Matt Plett • 6/30/24 Trinity Fellowship - Trinity Fellowship A Hidden Agenda 55:27 Tate Pierce •...
Danieltown Baptist Church - Revelation Series Foolishness of The World, The Wisdom of Jesus Christ, Does Godly Leadership Matter? 55:45 Justin Pierce • 5/8/16 200+ Justin Pierce Preaching - 聖路加傳福音之書 9:7-20; 使徒保羅與可林多輩第二書 6:14-18 Only Vote for God-Fearing Men...
of the Apostles. We will not designate the Sermon on the Mount' as the promulgation of the New Law, since that would be a far too narrow, if not erroneous, view of it. But it certainly seems to correspond to the Divine Revelation in the Ten Words' from Mount Sinai. Accord...
Mackereth - Revelation A Mediator for the Hopelessly Lost 19:43 James Hakim • 7/11/24 Hopewell ARP - Family Worship Matthew Chapter Seven 16:45 Lawrence Blair • 7/9/24 Pilgrim Devotion - The Gospels John 18:28-30 Pilate Then Went Out To Them And Said, "What Accusation Do You ...
[Revelation 5:13] Can we have a realizing faith in these truths of God, as we must have to denominate us Christians, and not feel in our hearts the working of affection towards each other; affection that will show itself in all Christian offices of charitable kindness? It is impossible. ...