In contrast to seeking righteousness through perfect obedience to the law, the righteousness of faith (which brings forgiveness and reconciliation with God) comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Scripture passage for the sermon: “Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the m...
WingClips on Facebook Like us on FB to see our "Daily WingClip," share clips with friends, and win prizes! Featured Theme: Activism Machine Gun Preacher Unlikely Hero Sam Childers, a former drug dealing biker, turns to God and devotes his life to protecting the children of... Top Ten ...
Repentance towards Reconciliation 56:22 Dr. John Street • 9/11/21 100+ Grace Community Bible Church - Biblical Reconciliation Getting to the Heart of Conflict 59:16 Dr. John Street • 9/11/21 100+ Grace Community Bible Church - Biblical Reconciliation Forgiveness and Humility - Part...
After the sexton lets go of the rope, the bell keeps on swinging. First ding, then dong. Slower and slower until there's a final dong and it stops. I believe the same thing is true of forgiveness. When we forgive, we take our hand off the rope. But if we've been tugging at our...
Reconciliation Baptist Church - 聖路加傳福音之書 13:1-5Understanding the River 58:58 Jim Newcomer • 7/21/24 Calvary Baptist Church - Swimming Upstream Sign of Tongues - Part 2 45:21 Devon Grannum • 7/21/24 Grace Fellowship Church - 使徒保羅與可林多輩書 14:1-22Final...
The Pain of Sin & the Comfort of Forgiveness (pt 1) 44:40 Tom Smith • 6/16/24 Christ Reformed Church - Corinthians Jeremiah's Anguish 52:46 Phillip M. Way • 6/9/24 TIME in the Word Ministries - The Potter and the Clay 140 They Shall Be Afraid Of The LORD Our God (...
Even at risk to national security, these nations must reduce areas of strife and broaden international understanding.We are called to practice the forgiveness of enemies through the ministry of reconciliation within the...
"It is the same with the words used to describe the death of Jesus Christ. Each word, like redemption, reconciliation, or justification, is accurate and correct, but each word does not give the complete picture. To see the whole we need to place one 'layer' one top of the other, but...
First and Best First Fruits Fitness Flaws Flourish Fly Focus Focusing on God follow Follower followers of jesus Following Following Christ Following God Following Jesus Food Foolishness foreigner Foreshadowing Foresight Forgivenes Forgiveness Forgiving Forgiving Others Formation forty years Found Foundation found...
us that our mission, as the mission of Jesus, involves being sent into the world to love, to serve, to heal, to save and to free, presenting a counterculture so we fight revenge through mercy/ forgiveness and we resist evil with good and seek justice in the road of reconciliation. ...