In all the New Testament, the Sermon on the Mount as found in Matthew 5-7 is probably the most concise, definitive statement of Jesus' teachings, clearly contrasting his declaration of the Kingdom of God and how it differed radically from what passed for religion in his day -- and ours!
The Names of God 10 (TNOG10) 系列Names of God 书签 推动 下载 分享 扬声器 David Works 跟随 广播员 Trinity Bible Church 跟随 讲道活动 50(14|36) We reviewed some history on Elohim's name - יהוה -- YHWH which we gained from the Garden Narrative, the narrative of the birth ...
Names of God Narnia, Chronicles of Neighbor New Perspective on Paul New Year New York City Next Generation O Oaths and Vows Obedience Offices Old Age Ordinances Ordination Outreach P Paisley CD Series Palm Sunday Parables Parents Passion of the Christ ...
Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7) Luke's Gospel John's Gospel Seven Last Words of Christ Parables Jesus and the Kingdom of God Resurrection and Easter Faith Apostle Peter Acts Early Church (Acts 1-12) Apostle Paul (Acts 11-28) Pauline Epistles Romans 5-8 (Christ-Powered Life) 1 Corinthian...
sermon15of15-Revelation 1:18 Bill Crowder-View Profile 1.The Mockery and Majesty Of Calvary (RBC PDF) 2.The Amazing Prophecy of Names (RBC PDF) John and Nancy Ortberg-View Profile Series: 'We'll Keep a Light on for you'. 1.We'll keep a Light on for you.(Part 1 - By Nancy Ort...
The natural state of those who have been born of God is to have our minds set on what the Holy Spirit desires. It doesn't always perfectly work out this way, but it is characteristic of those born of God, such that the apostle John, also characterizing those born of God says, "No ...
John MacArthur's "The War on Children" New book about providing refuge for your children in a hostile world New Ministry Toolkit for Pastors Free download of wedding and funeral outlines, pastoral care passages, and articles. Washing the Disciples' Feet Crete Protestant ...
For that request, God will “get up and give you as much as you need” (Luke 11:8).We are to keep on PUSHing for our Father’s “yes.”Check out all of the other messages in this prayer series by clicking here.►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry?
"The War on Children: Providing Refuge for Your Children in a Hostile World" Free eBook: Seeing as Jesus Sees 3 Stories of Compassion in the Bible by Bryant Wright and Send Relief. 创建广告 使用我们的促销工具在 SermonAudio 上做广告 隐私政策 • 信条 • ...
What is really going on? 37:54 Rick Kantner • 2/21/21 Word of Life Baptist Church - 先知以賽亞之書 6; 先知以賽亞之書 40Knowing The True God 38:38 Monte Byrd • 1/31/21 100+ Mill Creek Church - Romans Peace in Turmoil 43:12 Geoff Gleason • 1/10/21 100+ Cliffwood ...