Jesus' healing of a man born blind; Reason why despite Jesus' ability to heal instantaneously, he asked the man to do something on his way to being cured.FarmerDavidAlbertInterpretation: A Journal of Bible & Theology
WingClips on Facebook Like us on FB to see our "Daily WingClip," share clips with friends, and win prizes! Featured Theme: Activism Machine Gun Preacher Unlikely Hero Sam Childers, a former drug dealing biker, turns to God and devotes his life to protecting the children of... Top Ten ...
Healing two blind men: “Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes.”(Matthew 20:34) Healing a leper: “Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man.” (Mark 1:41) Raising the dead son of a widow: Jesus “saw her and his heart went out to he...
He was so dependent on the Spirit for direction, comfort and giving him the encouragement he needed to keep going through shipwrecks, imprisonment, and literally for his direction. Often he would not know where he was going or why or who he would be meeting when he got there so utterly as...
And finally, a prayer. Because we are all healing. Every one of us is recovering in some way. We are working our way back to wholeness and so a prayer. I’m going to ask you to close your eyes. You can take the hand of the person next you. I’m going to ask you to take a...
Sometimes when we encounter suffering, we freeze, not knowing how to move forward through the door that we are facing. There are times when God seems far off; we get stuck, paralyzed by the trauma or the unknown of living beyond the current painful situation. We cannot see what healing wo...