He knows your name and he calls by name and we are invited to hear his voice. As Mary heard God speak, you too hear God speak your name, his resurrection voice calling you to live and love and accept him. Easter comes when we respond to God’s call on our lives. When we roll ...
Second, there is a spiritual layer – faith. Looking at the large crowds, the disciples are overwhelmed, and their mustard seeds of faith flee. Jesus knows that their faith is feeble, and so he asks Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” His question leaves no w...
Verily, the most intelligent of humans is the one who knows and accepts his/her own deficiency. So, I believe the sermon above apply to all women but those women who accept this reality and organize themselves this way are intelligent, faithful and also get maybe more than men in worl...
God, the greatest One in the Universe, knows us by name. In fact, he knows everything about us. 4. Seeing the signs in the rearview mirror Actually, God does provide signs for us. Granted, they aren't like road signs, directional signs, billboards, or a writing in the sky. But ...
He knows he’s cheated his brother, and his uncle. He knows he’s spent his life taking what rightfully belongs to others. He knows what his name means. And so does God, for it turns out that’s who Jacob has been wrestling. God knows how much Jacob deserves everything Esau seems ...
2. The wise person knows her true state before God and she knows the way to the kingdom of heaven: “even now to know, to love, to imitate God, and to believe in Jesus Christ whom he hath sent.” 3. It is wise to build upon the rock, which is Jesus Christ himself. ...
A woman by the name of Gladys Dunne was visiting a church for the first time. After the service, as the congregation was exchanging greetings, she extended her hand to a parishoner and said, "Hi, I'm Gladys Dunn." The parishoner says, "I'm glad he's done, too!" Submitted by Bud...
[35] And whoever saw it bore witness to it and his testimony is true; and he knows that he is telling the truth that you all might believe. (It was St John the Evangelist who said these words, but he did not want to mention his name because he himself wrote this holy passion and...
It's one thing to say, "Blessed are those who..." in the ceremonial, ritualistic, everybody knows it since, but actually we all want to be blessed, right? Actually, the word blessed could be translated from the Greek to the word happy. Jesus is saying, he's speaking to the universa...
who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith. Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of the disciples a yoke that...