Serious mental illnessMedicaidCostsTexasIntegrated careMedicaid-enrolled adults with serious mental illness may be dually-enrolled in Medicare, and may receive health care services from other state and local programs. To understand cross-program costs of care, we linked 2012 payment data across Medicaid...
ACEs refer to ten experiences, including six types of abuse/neglect, and four experiences beyond what we consider abuse or victimization (i.e., household substance abuse, household mental illness, parental separation/divorce, and household member with a history of jail/imprisonment; Felitti et al....
Public expenditures on offenders with a serious mental illness in a Florida and a Texas countyBy John Robst, Robert Constantine, and A Howe, Published on 11/01/10Robst, JohnConstantine, RobertHowe, AUs Psychiatric & Mental Health Congress...