· 尊重adj · 严峻adj · 整肃adj · 大不了adj · 正经adj · 重度adj · 沉重adj · 重磅adj · 郑重adj · 厉害adj · 利害adj · 较真adj · 岸然adj · 正儿八经adj · 正经八百adj · 当真adj riskn— 危险n risk— 危性 See more examples•See alternative translations ...
Examples of good cause for missing the deadline may include if you hadaserious illnessthatprevented you from contacting us or if we provided [...] lacare.org lacare.org 錯過截止期限的充分理由可 能包括:您患有使您無法聯繫我們的重病,或我們向您提供有關上訴請求截止期限的資訊是錯誤或不 完整的。
They have to process information, assist people with limited mobility or other health or culture-specific limitations, and collaborate on their way to safety. Other examples of roles include e.g. communities vulnerable to mosquito-borne diseases (Buzz about Dengue), citizens of a metropolis that ...
A) doesn't provide examples of excellent work performance B) doesn't produce relative ratings for pay raise purposes C) doesn't make the supervisor think about th Employee theft can be caused or encouraged by a number of factors including:...
Serious injuries or illnesses also may be life-altering. Iimpairment or loss of use of an internal organ, body function, or body part is the result. Examples include, but are not limited to, significant head injuries, paralysis, amputations, and broken or fractured bones. ...
Foucault. His work is central to many of the Humanities and social science parts of life. He came up with idea that people govern themselves‚ and his Panopticism essay revolves basically around this central idea. There are many panoptic examples insocietytodaythat have both positive and negativ...
The approval of any analog of aspartame for human use MUST be challenged. In my opinion, there is already sufficient evidence for aspartame products to be withdrawn from the market as an "imminent public health hazard" NOW!" He also said: "As a physician and citizen, I am appalled at the...
There are3 hazard categoriesfor eye irritation under GHS. The table below summarizes eye irritation classification criteria forsubstances and tested mixtures. Eye Irritation Classification Criteria for Mixture If a mixture contains a hazardous ingredient or multiple ingredients that have been classified...
Focus of action categoriesExamples Physical = the audit corrective action is directly addressing a physical thing, aspect, or routine in the workplace Add or change site signage, rectify a site hazard, add or fix fencing or delineation, rectify deficiencies on vehicles and plant Administrative = ...
One of these examples is SOFIE (Dubbeldam et al., 2017). Three design ideas have been proposed and are being tested: automatically adjustable saddle height, optimized frame and wheel geometry, and drive-off assistance in order to facilitate (dis)mounting. Another example is a tilting three-...