Let's break the example down a bit. Setting up the logger The Serilog pipeline is set up normally: using Serilog; using Serilog.Templates.Themes; using SerilogTracing; using SerilogTracing.Expressions; Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .WriteTo.Console(Formatters.CreateConsoleTextFormatter(Templ...
代码语言:txt 复制 using Serilog; class Program { static void Main() { Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .WriteTo.Console(outputTemplate: "[{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss} {Level:u3}] {Message:lj} {Properties:j}{NewLine}{Exception}") .Enrich.WithProperty("CustomProperty", "CustomValue")...
When configuring the logger, provide the switch usingMinimumLevel.ControlledBy(): varlog=newLoggerConfiguration().MinimumLevel.ControlledBy(levelSwitch).WriteTo.ColoredConsole().CreateLogger(); Now, events written to the logger will be filtered according to the switch’sMinimumLevelproperty. To turn th...
<addkey="serilog:write-to:ColoredConsole"/><addkey="serilog:write-to:File.path"value="C:\Logs\myapp.txt"/> (Notice you don’t actually have to provide a value for an app setting? I didn’t until recently, but works nicely!) Where do the magic namesColoredConsoleandFile.pathcome from?
openSerilog[]letmainargv=Log.Logger<-LoggerConfiguration().Destructure.FSharpTypes().WriteTo.ColoredConsole().CreateLogger()Log.Information("Drawing a {@Shape}",Circle5.)0 Thanks again tovlacifor kicking this off. I was especially keen to see this in because I’m sure someone with better F#...
Serilog.Sinks.Console Serilog.Sinks.File 1. 2. 3. (可以用命令行方式安装或通过VS安装,随意) 第二个nuget包,用来将日志输出到控制台。第三个用来将日志输出到文件。 然后,修改代码如下: static void Main() { Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() ...
.WriteTo.Console("[{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss {Level:u3}] ({RequestId}) {Message} ...") This works nicely when a single property exists on nearly all events, but it’s harder to get acceptable results when only a few events are enriched with a particular property, for example viaLogContext...
As a user i would like to have the option to sanitize logs. An example would be to scrub credit cards numbers before they hit storage for PCI compliance. Currently I couldn't find any straight forward way of doing this. I've found this p...
Let's break the example down a bit. Setting up the logger The Serilog pipeline is set up normally: using Serilog; using Serilog.Templates.Themes; using SerilogTracing; using SerilogTracing.Expressions; Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .WriteTo.Console(Formatters.CreateConsoleTextFormatter(Templ...