SERIESAPREFERREDSHAREPURCHASEAGREEMENT ThisSERIESAPREFERREDSHAREPURCHASEAGREEMENT(this“Agreement”) ismadeandenteredintoonbyandamong: 1.,anexemptedcompanyorganizedandexisting undertheLawsof[theCaymanIslands](the“Company”), 2.,acompanydulyincorporatedundertheLaws ...
1、SERIES A PREFERRED SHARE PURCHASEAGREEMENTThis SERIES A PREFERRED SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this“Agreement ” ) is made and entered into on by and among:1. , an exempted compa ny orga ni zed and existi ng un der the Lawsof the Cayman Islands (the“ Company ),2. , a compa ny ...
SERIES A PREFERRED SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT This SERIES A PREFERRED SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into on by and among: 1. , an exempted company organized and existing under the Laws of [the Cayman Islands] (the “Company”), 2. , a company duly ...
TOC\o"1-2"\h\z\u1. PurchaseandSaleofPreferredStock. 1 1.1. SaleandIssuanceofSeries APreferredStock. 1 1.2. Closing;Delivery. 1 1.3. SaleofAdditionalSharesofPreferredStock. 2 [1.4 UseofProceeds. 3 1.5 DefinedTermsUsedinthisAgreement. 3 ...
1) series A preferred stock purchase agreement and the exhibits A序列优先股购买协议及附件2) agreement on buying option 优先购买权协议3) the privileged allocation to stockholders 股东优先购买权 1. The regulation on the privileged allocation to stockholders of limited corporation of our country s ...
Series D Preferred Shares, par value US$0.001 per share, of the Company (the "Series D Preferred Shares") as set forth opposite each such Series D Investor in the second column of Exhibit A and Exhibit A1 attached hereto respectively on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement...
Series B Preferred Share Purchase Agreement - Paker Technology Ltd., Wealth Plan Investments Ltd., Jiangxi Kinko Energy Co. Ltd., Flagship Desun Shares Co. Ltd., Everbest International Capital Ltd., SCGC Capital Holding Co. Ltd., Civic Investment Ltd., Pitango Venture Capital Fund V. LP, Pit...
SeriesBSharePurchaseAgreement (iii)WFOE.TheregisteredcapitaloftheWFOEisandimmediatelyprior toandfollowingeachClosingshallbeUS$13,000,000,allofwhichareissuedand outstandingandheldbytheHoldcoSubsidiary. (iv)NoOtherSecurities.Exceptfor(a)theconversionprivilegesofthe SeriesAPreferredSharesandtheSeriesBPreferredShares...
SERIES A PREFERRED STOCK AGREEMENT Download Save ShareCiteReport Exhibit 10.2 SERIES A PREFERRED STOCK AGREEMENT This Agreement (this “Agreement”) is dated as of August 11, 2010 among Jinhao Motor Company, a Nevada corporation (the “Company”), Islamic Bank of Asia Limited (“IBA”) and...
海),aorganizedunderthelawsofthePRC(the“WFOE”). B.CertainInvestorsarepartiestothatcertainRightofFirstRefusalandCo-Sale Agreement,datedMay16,2014(the“PriorAgreement”). C.CertainInvestorshaveagreedtopurchasefromthecertainSeriesB PreferredSharespursuanttothatcertainSharePurchaseAgreementdatedJanuary6, ...