$ git clone https://github.com/jcurl/serialportstream.git $ cd serialportstream/dll/serialunix $ ./build.sh Binaries are built and put in the bin folder from where you ran the build script. You can add a reference to LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the library:...
https://github.com/jcurl/RJCP.DLL.SerialPortStream 前言 物联网(IoT)和嵌入式系统的开发中,串口通信是一项不可或缺的技术。C# 作为一种广泛使用的编程语言,同样支持多种方式进行串口通信。其中,SerialPortStream 库因其简单易用的API和强大的功能成为了众多开发者的首选。本文将详细介绍如何使用 SerialPortStream...
$ git clone https://github.com/jcurl/serialportstream.git $ cd serialportstream/ $ cd dll/serialunix/ $ ./build.sh Binaries are built and put in the bin folder from where you ran the build script. You can add a reference to LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the library:...
github.com/serialport/node-serialport Homepage github.com/serialport/node-serialport#readme Fund this package Weekly Downloads 88,179 Version 13.0.0 License MIT Unpacked Size 29.5 kB Total Files 5 Issues 152 Pull Requests 13 Last publish 3 months ago Collaborators Try on RunKit Report malware ...
git clone https://github.com/jcurl/RJCP.DLL.SerialPortStreamcd SerialPortStream/dll/serialunix/cmake .&&make&&makeinstall 如果目标Linux系统中没有安装Git,也可以在Windows中将RJCP.DLL.SerialPortStream克隆下来后拷贝到Linux系统中。编译好串口依赖库后,生成的.so文件在目录/usr/local/lib/中。
you should have the following prerequisites installed:* Google Test* Doxygen# SO,不管用不用,先装上再说apt install libgtest-devapt install doxygen** 第四步:拉取源码并开始编译git clone https://github.com/jcurl/serialportstream.gitcd serialportstream/dll/serialunix./build.sh 有些...
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Clone this repogit clone git@github.com:serialport/node-serialport.git Runnpm installto setup local package dependencies (run this any time you depend on a package local to this repo) Runnpm testto ensure everything is working properly ...
开源地址https://github.com/jcurl/SerialPortStream 为了方便使用,有人封装把它了起来,在 Nuget 中搜索 flyfire.CustomSerialPort AI代码助手复制代码 这是一个增强的自定义串口类,实现协议无关的数据帧完整接收功能,支持跨平台使用,使用 SerialPortStream 基础类库。
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