pub serialize_with: Option<syn::ExprPath>, pub deserialize_with: Option<syn::ExprPath>, // pub attrs: attr::Field, pub ty: syn::Type, pub original: syn::Field, @@ -99,6 +101,38 @@ fn fields_from_ast( .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, field)| { // Parse attributes let mu...
@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) @Inherited @Documented public @interface SerializeWith Indicate that this class should be serialized with an instance of the given Externalizer class. Any externalizer type referred by this annotation must be either Serializable or Externalizable because ...
internalserializewithcachedsizestoarray 内部序列化是将对象转换为字节流的过程,以便在不同的应用程序或计算机之间传输、存储或处理数据。在进行内部序列化时,为了提高性能,可以使用缓存大小数组来存储已序列化对象的大小信息。 缓存大小数组是一个整数数组,其中每个元素表示相应对象的序列化大小。每次序列化对象时,将该...
Serialize a DataSet Serialize Raw JSON value Serialize Unindented JSON Serialize Conditional Property Deserialize an Object Deserialize a Collection Deserialize a Dictionary Deserialize an Anonymous Type Deserialize a DataSet Deserialize with CustomCreationConverter Deserialize JSON from a file Populate an Object...
Example: Serialize with an XML declaration Example: Serialize without an XML declaration This article describes how to control whether an XML declaration is generated when you serialize XML in C# or Visual Basic.Serializing to a File or a TextWriter using the XElement.Save method or the XDocume...
Serialize a Dictionary Serialize JSON to a file Serialize with JsonConverters Serialize a DataSet Serialize Raw JSON value Serialize Unindented JSON Serialize Conditional Property Deserialize an Object Deserialize a Collection Deserialize a Dictionary Deserialize an Anonymous Type Deserialize a DataSet Deseriali...
5002 - DCSerializeWithSurrogateStop 5003 - DCDeserializeWithSurrogateStart 5004 - DCDeserializeWithSurrogateStop 5005 - ImportKnownTypesStart 5006 - ImportKnownTypesStop 5007 - DCResolverResolve 5008 - DCGenWriterStart 5009 - DCGenWriterStop 5010 - DCGenReaderStart 5011 - DCGenReaderStop 5012 - D...
HRESULTSerializeWithOptions( [in] SYNC_SERIALIZATION_VERSION targetFormatVersion, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in, out] BYTE *pbBuffer, [in, out] DWORD *pdwSerializedSize ); Parameters [in] targetFormatVersion The serialized change batch is compatible with this version. ...
Skip navigation links Red Hat Data Grid 8.4.8.GA Overview Package Class Use Tree Deprecated Index Help SEARCH: Uses of Annotation Typeorg.infinispan.commons.marshall.SerializeWith Packages that use SerializeWith Package Description org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion