1、首先双击快捷方式,打开blink arduino应用程序,进入到编辑页面中、2、然后在编辑的窗口中,点击主菜单栏中的“tools”,在出现的菜单栏中选择“Board”选项。3、然后在弹出来的诸多板子选项中,找到正确的板子,点击选择它,就可以解决这个问题了。
Try to add something like this to check what stages are not passing: void setupESP8266() { while (1) { Serial.print("restaring esp8266..."); if (esp8266.restart()) { Serial.print("ok\r\n"); break; } else { Serial.print("not ok...\r\n"); Serial.print("Trying to kick.....
error: 'Serial2' was not declared in this scope (from their h and cpp files) if I try to manually declare it in their library, I either get the same error, or "redefinition of Serial2". They have this: #include "Arduino.h" should I change that to something else? Basically my ques...
a reference to '' could not be added. Adding this project as a reference would cause a circular dependency A reference to the component 'System' already exists in the project. A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the ... Service service to connect. About Ali...