Applied latest patch set from Mint and from then on the serial port cannot be found. I've followed previous posts, using each USB port in turn, checked 'groups' membership, and 2 Arduino UNO's, looked at the Windows 8 posts on driver permissions (not directly relevant for Linux), but ...
Code works fine when tested on Arduino Uno, (editing delay(x) affects the led), but I get this error and Serial Port Monitor does not show anything. Error in CLion Event Log is: Error running Unnamed: Cannot run program "C:\Users\Nikhil Verma\.CLion12\system\cmake\generated\4b320303\...
刚接触arduino,刚买了个arduino uno的板子(mango的兼容板<img class="s" old="
【求助】Arduin..大家,有些Arduino板子,例如Mega2560 或者 Due。 有多个串口(TX0,TR0),(TX1,TR1)···。当需要同时使用两个串口时,如果进行操作。 Serial函数库里并没有选择端口的
1. 概述 相信很多朋友已经在玩 Arduino了,而且一般都是使用官方的Arduino IDE来写程序控制Arduino硬...
Under Windows 7 64 bit using Arduino IDE hourly build 2015/06/01 09:34: Once I get the Error opening serial port 'COM12'. (Port not found) error the serial monitor won't open any port until the IDE is restarted. This happens with any com...
Just now, the Arduino's software sends a simple message (in loop) on the serial port: void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); analogReference(INTERNAL); } void loop() { Serial.println("test"); delay(500); } C# try only to read these messages and print them on the shell: public class...
Qt : QSerialPort : file not found error Sujet résolu naudar71 3 septembre 2015 à 22:14:19 Bonjour à tous, J'essaye tant bien que mal d'importer le port série sur Qt pour pouvoir communiquer avec ce dernier avec une Arduino, j'ai bien regardé la doc comme il faut et j'ai vu...
Great tool. replaces the need for me to open Arduino studio, although took me awhile to find, a bit hidden in the tools drop down menu. Reply 0 XiaoFeizai 29.08.2023 This plugin is still very good, but there is an issue with whether it can automatically recognize the serial port. Ev...