The timestamp is a standard epoch number – just remember to shift your local time to UTC before generating, I’m 11 hours ahead of UTC at the moment on my local machine so you’ll need to adjust to suit your server (My production servers are UTC, I’ll tweak my code eventually to ...
This is a savings of over $100! Each giant issue is perfect bound and chock full of true crime articles, artwork, letters, documents and more. VIEW PRODUCT MASSIVE EBOOK COLLECTION : Price $100 This includes ebooks of every book and magazine on the site. Every issue of Serial Killer ...
She gave birth to an illegitimate son, christened Michael Schultz, on March 30, 1961, and ever after refused comment on rumors that his father was a pilot from the nearby air force base. On January 21, 1962, she married another air force officer, James Goodyear, and their first child--...
spots in the city's downtown area until Francois arrived in his white Toyota Camry. Although she had clear instructions not to get into his vehicle, the girl engaged Francois in conversation on a number of occasions. Police monitored these meetings but again, no useful information was obtained...
Aprils first victim--and number seven on the Highway Killers confirmed hit parade--was 28-year-old Gustavo Herrera, found by construction workers in Lake County, Illinois, near the Wisconsin border. A resident of Chicagos Uptown district, Herrera was a father of two, but he also frequented...
Mr Robinson is being held on a bond of $5m.Internet link to barrel murders8 June, 2000The Kansas pond is being checked for more bodiesA man who looked for sadomasochistic sex over the internet is the prime suspect in the deaths of five women, whose bodies were found stuffed in barrels....