Serial Monitor(串口监视窗),可监视开发环境使用的串口收发的数据。 接下来通过一个Arduino开发环境中LED灯闪烁的例子(Blink)来简单应用一下这些按钮。在Arduino Uno板的13号引脚上已经带了一个LED灯,Blink程序就是控制这个LED灯闪烁。点击file菜单下EXAMPLES--011.Basics--Blink,就可以看到Blink程序已经加载到程序编辑...
使用前需要先进行设定,设定的方法如下: 1.在Tool==>Serial Port里面选择Arduino的串口编号 2.在Tool==>Serial Monitor里面打开串口监视器 3.工具你程序的设定,在右下角的速度选择框里。
格瑞图:Arduino-0010-内置示例-去抖 Debounce 格瑞图:Arduino-0011-内置示例-数字输入上拉 DigitalInputPullup 格瑞图:Arduino-0012-内置示例-状态变更检查 StateChangeDetection 格瑞图:Arduino-0013-内置示例-音调电子琴 Keyboard 格瑞图:Arduino-0014-内置示例-音调旋律 Melody 格瑞图:Arduino-0015-内置示例-音调多播...
This library monitors your code and prints actions to the Serial Monitor - arduino279/Serial-Monitor
e-mail Copyright (c) 2018 ARDUINO SA ( The software is released under the GNU General Public License, which covers the main body of the serial-monitor code. The terms of this license can be found at:
Arduino Sketch/Code: intByteReceived;// declare a variablevoidsetup(){// put your setup code here, to run once:Serial.begin(9600);// Initialize Serial Monitor//Prompt the messages for userSerial.println("--- Start Serial Monitor Communication ---");Serial.println(" Type some random data ...
1.驱动没装好,2.board的串口没选对→_→ 这
用USB建立Arduino板和电脑之间的串口通信。然后读取引脚2的数字输入,在串口监视器窗口把读到的值打印出来。 4.png 5.png /* DigitalReadSerial Reads a digital input on pin 2, prints the result to the Serial Monitor This example code is in the public domain. ...
Arduino Serial Monitor screen You can also send data from the Serial Monitor to Arduino by entering text in the text box to the left of the Send button. Baud rate is selected using the drop-down box on the bottom right. You can use the drop down labeled “No line ending” to ...
I am able to connect it, and even to upload some code (with pushing the boot button). However u don’t get any signal feedback on the serial.monitor. I tried different settings in Arduino IDE and Platform.IO. Do you have any Tipp where I should looking at? I am really tying hard...