"Serial Killers" The Serial '70s: Jeffrey Dahmer (Podcast Episode 2022) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
"Serial Killers" The Serial '70s: John Wayne Gacy (Podcast Episode 2022) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Set in the late '70s, this engrossing series delves into the nascent field of criminal profiling, as FBI agents Holden Ford and Bill Tench, played by Jonathan Groff and Holt McCallany, interview imprisoned serial killers to comprehend their motives. Featuring an authentic, cerebral approach to ...
Jeffrey Dahmer is one of history’s most deranged and infamous serial killers. From the late 1970s to the early 1990s, Jeffrey Dahmer murdered 17 men and boys. Beyond just the killing, Dahmer would rape his victims, dismember them and after their death sometimes engage in necrophilic and can...
Why this couple, both in their 70s, went from being loving grandparents to serial killers, who used the clothing of their victims to make a warm winter quilt to snuggle under, is both morbid and perplexing. Here is their story. The Copeland Investigation: In October 1989, Missouri police ...
The popularity of serial killer documentaries and shows in recent decades has advanced the sense that anyone we know could be capable of vile atrocities, including our neighbors, classmates, parents, or spouses. FromTed Bundyto John Wayne Gacy to Jeffrey Dahmer, themost famous serial killersare ...
To better understand that, "48 Hours" askedKris Mohandieto explain. He's a forensic psychologist and expert on serial killers. He is also a consultant to "48 Hours." Kris Mohandie: Most serial killers are motivated by power … that's at the core of everything … ...
There are some movies about serial killers that get into your head, this is definitely one."Zodiac, as the killer came to be known, ran rings around cops and journalists by sending a series of baffling ciphers and letters to the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper, supposedly giving clues to ...
"John blended in," he said. "People would have probably said, ‘That’s the guy who has these parties every summer.’ People don’t pay attention to those kinds of things as closely as they should. People continue to ask me how rare are serial killers. Well, in ...
"Serial killers generate far more fear than their numbers justify," says Kirk Heilbrun, a professor at Drexel University. "It has an impact on the national consciousness, the question of whether or not you believe a stranger will do the right thing." The result was that a very small...