Over 3K TV viewers have voted on the 50+ Best Serial Killer TV Shows, Ranked. Current Top 3: Mindhunter, Dexter, True Detective
'Mindhunter' (Netflix) Netflix One of our favorite serial killer series of all time is Mindhunter, which premiered on Netflix in 2017. This critically acclaimed show took us back in time, focusing on the early days of criminal psychology and criminal profiling at the FBI. The show follows...
‘Twin Murders: The Silence of the White City’ is aSpanishserial-killer thriller that follows Unai (Javier Rey), who is on the hunt for a new serial killer on the rise. Unai returns to work for a long break, but on his first day at the office, he receives news about an assailant ...
A forensics analyst moonlights as a serial killer. Premiered: October 1, 2006 Dig Deeper How Does The ‘Dexter’ TV Show Compare To The Books It's Based On? Also ranks #1 on The Best Showtime Shows Of All Time, Ranked Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? subscription p...
Netflix With Idris Elba in the titular role of John Luther, a former Detective Chief Inspector, the film is based on Luther's arrest and subsequent jailbreak in pursuit of serial killer David Robey.Luther: The Fallen Sunis a successor to theLutherTV series, although not a direct sequel, wi...
Netflix Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes| 2019 This documentary series consists of four 60-minute episodes sourced from over 100 hours of interviews and archival footage of American serial killer Ted Bundy. Also featured are interviews with those related to his crimes, including su...
ˈserial killernoun a person who has murdered several people one after another.asesino en serie ˈserialize,ˈserialise(-riə-)verb to publish or broadcast as a serial.publicar/televisar por entregas ˌserialiˈzation,ˌserialiˈsationnoun ...
Watch Now on Netflix 20 Night Stalker: The Hunt For a Serial Killer View full post on Youtube Unlike many serial killers with a distinct modus operandi, Richard Ramirez had no pattern to who he killed during his murder rampage throughout Los Angeles. Night Stalker: The Hunt For a Serial ...
Over 6K filmgoers have voted on the 85+ Best Serial Killer Movies of All Time. Current Top 3: The Silence of the Lambs, Seven, Zodiac
Netflix‘s serial killer drama “Mindhunter” has become the streaming giant’s new must-binge series. Executive produced and co-directed by David Fincher, the show is inspired by the stories of real criminal profilers John E. Douglas and Robert K. Ressler, who headed the FBI’s Behavioral ...