sergeant at arms 美 英 na.serjeant-at-arms 网络纠仪长;纠仪长制度;纠察长 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. serjeant-at-arms, (议会,法院等的)卫士
sergeant at arms [ˈsɑ:dʒənt æt ɑ:mz] 释义 n. (会议、法庭等处的)警卫官 英英释义 Noun 1. an officer (as of a legislature or court) who maintains order and executes commands
sergeant at arms英语翻译成中文是什么意思?汉程英汉词典提供sergeant at arms的音标、读音、详细意思解释及用法等。
During major events, such as the State of the Union address or joint sessions of Congress, the sergeant-at-arms is responsible for maintaining order and security. Additionally, the sergeant-at-arms has ceremonial duties, particularly during special occasions or important events. In the Senate, the...
sergeant majors───n.军士长 serjeant at law───塞兰特法律 双语使用场景 Like the sergeant at arms in the Commons, black rod is responsible for keeping order in the house.───象下院中的警卫官一样,黑棍侍卫维持下院的秩序。 You can say what you like, 'returned the sergeant, standing co...
sergeant at arms “sergeant at arms”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 1. 议会或法院警卫官,守卫官(【英】serjeant at arms) 相关词语 sergeantatarms
He perceived Chateau-Renaud and Debray, who had just gained the good graces of a sergeant-at-arms, and who had persuaded the latter to let them stand before, instead of behind him, as they ought to have done. View in context The Senate on Wednesday adopted a resolution which honors forme...
The meaning of SERGEANT AT ARMS is an officer of an organization (such as a legislative body or court of law) who preserves order and executes commands.
Flight Sergeant 上士 Master Sergeant 军士长 相似单词 sergeant n. 警官,军士 arms n. 1.武器,军火 2.战争;战斗,斗争 3.臂;手臂;上肢 4.纹章;徽章 5.强烈抗议;极力反对 sergeant at law n. 高级律师 color sergeant n. 掌旗军士 recruiting sergeant n. 负责招募的士官 gentleman at arms n...
sergeant at arms n 1. an officer of a legislative or fraternal body responsible for maintaining internal order 2. (Historical Terms) (formerly) an officer who served a monarch or noble, esp as an armed attendant Also: sergeant, serjeant at arms or serjeant Collins English Dictionary – Compl...