company sergeant major n (Military)militarythe senior Warrant Officer II in a British or Commonwealth regiment or battalion, responsible under the company second in command for all aspects of duty and discipline of the NCOs and men in that subunit. Abbreviation:CSMCompareregimental sergeant majorSee...
a.A noncommissioned rank in the US Army that is above sergeant first class and below the position of sergeant major. b.A noncommissioned rank in the US Air Force that is above technical sergeant and below senior master sergeant. c.A noncommissioned rank in the US Marine Corps that is abo...
Whether this carries over into UNSC Gunnery Sergeants is unconfirmed. However, lateral movement is possible in the Army. One of the major differences between the two ranks is that a First Sergeant has a leadership position, while a Master Sergeant holds a technical or staff duty. ...
An Army major is classified as pay grade O-4. If he retired in 2018 after 20 years, he received 50 percent of his basic pay of $7,869.30, or $3,934.65 per month. At the other extreme, a 4-star general with pay grade O-10 and 40 years service got 100 percent of his basic pay...
(US) A non-commissioned officer in the United States Army, ranking above sergeant first class and below sergeant major; equal in grade and pay to a first sergeant. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-中文字典 軍士長 noun Master Sergeant with the clipboard. 拿著 記事本 的 軍士長 GlosbeResearch...
pay under Section 46 of the Army Act and the forfeiture of another four days' pay (effectively losing his pay for the period of absence). Shortly after his charge parade, on 8 Jan 1942, Crockford was transferred and taken on the strength of A10 Canadian Infantry Training Centre (Camp ...