sergeant major 英[ˈsɑ:dʒənt ˈmeidʒə] 美[ˈsɑrdʒənt ˈmedʒɚ] 释义 n. 军士长 大小写变形:Sergeant major 词态变化 复数:sergeant majors; 实用场景例句 全部 军士长 MySergeant Majorsaid that we could count on you....
sergeant-major n. 1. 准尉副官(英国陆军中的团行政助理)a soldier of middle rank in the British army who is responsible for helping the officer who organizes the affairs of a particular regiment (= a large group of soldiers) 2. 军士长(美国陆军中最高级军士)a soldier in the US army of th...
Sergeant Major的意思是军士长。 'Sergeant Major'的拼写与定义 'Sergeant Major'这一词汇,在标准英语中的正确拼写应为'Sergeant Major',尽管也存在如'sergeant majors'、'sergeants major'、'sergeant-major'等变体。该词的主要含义是指“军士长”,是军事体系中一个重要的职级。在军事...
In Commonwealth countries, the various degrees ofsergeant majorare appointments held by warrant officers.───在英联邦国家,军士长的不同级别由准尉任命。 Sergeant major, bring the stray dog go to playground , NOW!───军士长,带他去体能训练场!他就是条狗,去吧!
E9 指挥军士长(Command Sergeant Major) 指挥军士长类似于一级军士长,但有不同的职责。指挥军士长主要在营担任领导职务,也可以在整个陆军单位(从营到指挥部)中任职。 指挥军士长对上和所在单位指挥官一起工作,为军官提供宝贵的见解和建议,帮助他们决定如何训练和准备单位完成指定的任务。对下执行有关士兵的表现...
sergeant major “sergeant major”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 1. 军士长 相关词语 sergeantmajor
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sergeant major如何读 英:[ˈsɑ:dʒənt ˈmeidʒə] 美:[ˈsɑrdʒənt ˈmedʒɚ] sergeant major是什么意思 n. 军士长; sergeant major英英释义 noun a noncommissioned officer in the army or marine corps serving as chief administrative assistant in a headquarters ...
sergeant major英语翻译成中文是什么意思?汉程英汉词典提供sergeant major的音标、读音、详细意思解释及用法等。