静谧四季 Serene Seasons Mod Serene Seasons 是在我的世界中模拟4个真实季节,四种季节各有各的魅力,比较现实的一款模组,季节的变化游戏的环境会改变颜色、温度和许多其他因素。 温室玻璃 用于生长于温室的农作物,即使是冬天也可以成长。(必须在其上方7个街区内安装温室玻璃) 季节传感器 可以根据当前季节获取红石信号...
Serene Seasons is a Minecraft mod that adds seasons. Grass and foliage colors will change throughout the year, and in the winter, temperatures will shift and allow for snow to fall in some biomes that don't normally receive any. Seasons also affect various other features, like crop growth,...
Serene Seasons is a Minecraft mod that adds seasons. Grass and foliage colors will change throughout the year, and in the winter, temperatures will shift and allow for snow to fall in some biomes that don't normally receive any. Seasons also affect various other features, like crop growth,...
静谧四季 Serene Seasons Mod为我的世界游戏添加了四季变化,在不同的季节草地和树叶的颜色会有不同,同时温度也会有变化,各种生物群系都有可能在寒冷的冬季下雪,季节的变化同时也会影响天气的不同,比如春天夏天多雨水,冬天多下雪等。 mod特点 支持多种群系类模组,都能够进行新增生物群系草地和树叶的颜色。 共分...
Minecraft mod that adds seasons with changing colors, temperature shifting, and more! - Glitchfiend/SereneSeasons
宁静的季节Serene Seasons Mod 链接:官网 Serene Seasons是一款适合那些对Minecraft世界实现动态变化的季节着迷的玩家。虽然这通常是我们希望通过资源包看到的东西,因为它们通常意味着改变游戏的视觉效果,但Serene Seasons mod实际上在实现功能方面做得非常出色,所以它并没有真正给出我们任何投诉的空间。mod简单明了,但同时...
re an avid farmer then you can use this mod to plan harvests. You can also customize which crops will grow in which seasons in the config menu. You can also bypass the seasons a bit by making greenhouses, which you can do by simply surrounding your crops on the sides and top with ...
Minecraft mod that adds seasons with changing colors, temperature shifting, and more! - xray/SereneSeasons
ForstrideMod作者 有114 个已收录的整合包使用了 静谧四季/季节 (Serene Seasons) 。 整合包检索 有11 台已收录的服务器安装了 静谧四季/季节 (Serene Seasons) 。 找服玩 静谧四季/季节 (Serene Seasons) 在模组服的安装率为 8.27%。 5.0 名扬天下 昨日指数: 876 昨日平均指数: 78.306 87.81万 总浏览 ...
Serene Seasons is a Minecraft mod that adds seasons. Grass and foliage colors will change throughout the year, and in the winter, temperatures will shift and allow for snow to fall in some biomes that don't normally receive any. Seasons also affect various other features, like crop growth,...