DISPUTE resolutionLEGAL judgmentsJURISPRUDENCEThis single-case study seeks to provide an in-depth analysis of the territorial dispute between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia over the State border along the Danube. The research article will look into the historical root...
Serbia is largely mountainous. Its northeast section is part of the rich, fertile Danubian Plain drained by the Danube, Tisa, Sava, and Morava river systems. It borders Croatia on the northwest, Hungary on the north, Romania on the northeast, Bulgaria on the east, Macedonia on the south, ...
It borders Croatia on the northwest, Hungary on the north, Romania on the northeast, Bulgaria on the east, Macedonia on the south, and Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the west. Government Republic. Serbia was one of six republics that made up the country of Yugoslavia, ...
In particular, in the private SME sector, the Bank will boost its actions through the new SME platform devised together with the EU and EIB for the Western Balkans and Croatia and approved under the WBIF, the Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility (EDIF), through which a set of ...
. The median planform area for the entire study territory is 711 m2. This provides an opportunity to compare Tara NP with other karst regions (e.g., Aggtelek Karst/Hungary, Telbisz (2001); Miroč/Serbia, Telbisz et al. (2007); Velebit/Croatia, Marković et al. (2016); Munț...
Additionally, if you’d like to visit Šar Mountain National Park and Bjeshkët e Nemuna National Park in Kosovo,you have to enter Serbia first (like this). If you enter Kosovo first, via its border withAlbania,Montenegro, orMacedonia, you won’t be allowed to enter Serbia afterward. ...
Border Tense as Serbia, Croatia Block Traffic in Migrants DisputeDaniel Schearf
Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo authority continue to keep the peace within Kosovo between the ethnic Albanian majority and the Serb minority in Kosovo; Serbia delimited about half of the boundary with Bosnia and Herzegovina, but sections along the Drina River remain in dispute. ...
Parts of Croatia along its border with Bosnia and adjoining the Vojvodina were combined into the Serbian Krajina and Eastern Slavonia. The Slavonian city of Vukovar surrendered to Serb forces in November 1991. Some 250 wounded Croats were removed from the hospital in Vukovar and executed, an ac...