Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to sequentially:Sequentially compact se·quen·tial (sĭ-kwĕn′shəl) adj. 1.Forming or characterized by a sequence, as of units or musical notes. 2.Sequent. se·quen′ti·al′i·ty(-shē-ăl′ĭ-tē)n. ...
A Tychonoff space $X$ is called ({\\em sequentially}) {\\em Ascoli} if every compact subset (resp. convergent sequence) of $C_k(X)$ is evenly continuous, where $C_k(X)$ denotes the space of all real-valued continuous functions on $X$ endowed with the compact-open topology. ...
Given a finite set of points P subseteq R^d, we would like to find a small subset S subseteq P such that the convex hull of S approximately contains P. Mor... Avrim Blum,Vladimir Braverman,Ananya Kumar,... - LIPIcs : Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 被引量: 0发表: 2018...
Let Hwu(e) be the space of entire complexvalued functions on E which are weakly uniformly continuous when restricted to any bounded subset of E, and let Hwsc(E) be the space of entire complex-valued functions on E which map weakly convergent sequences in E to convergent sequences. These...
An example is given of a dense connected subspace S of R m , m ≧2, and an uncountable dense subset E disjoint from S for which there is no sequentially equidistant sequence of distinct points ( n ≧ 2) in S ∪ E between any two points of E . Techniques of dimension theory are ...
(2)it is consistent to have a realcompact linearly Lindelf non-Lindelf space below 2 ω; (3)it is consistent to have a Dowker topology on ω+1 in which every subset of cardinality n, n>0, has a converging subset of the same cardinality; (4)the nonexistence of sequentially linearly ...
Let Hwu(e) be the space of entire complexvalued functions on E which are weakly uniformly continuous when restricted to any bounded subset of E, and let Hwsc(E) be the space of entire complex-valued functions on E which map weakly convergent sequences in E to convergent sequences. These...
Let E be a locally convex linear Hausdorff topological space which is angelic when furnished with the weak topology, and let C be a closed convex subset of E with x0 ∈ C. Suppose F : C → K(C) is a weakly sequentially upper semicontinuous map with the following properties holding...