网络释义 1. 列紧集 数学... ... sequential word function 序贯字函数sequentially compact set列紧集sequentially complete space 序列完备空间 ...|基于15个网页
2) Strong Fuzzy Compact Set 强模糊紧集3) sequential compact set 列紧集 1. The extension and the conjunction of continuous mapping and its propertiesz on a sequential compact set; 连续映射的扩张、拼接以及连续映射在列紧集上的性质 2. In metric space,by means of discussing boundedness of a ...
sequent+ -ial1815–25 se•quen•ti•al•i•ty(si kwen′shē al′i tē),USA•quen′tial•ly,adv. 'sequentially' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): cascade-direct-access-Forty Hours-respectively-sequentially compact set-synta...
sequential analysissequentially compact set Browse # aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx yy zz Get the Word of the Day every day! Sign up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. ...
Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to sequentially:Sequentially compact se·quen·tial (sĭ-kwĕn′shəl) adj. 1.Forming or characterized by a sequence, as of units or musical notes. 2.Sequent. se·quen′ti·al′i·ty(-shē-ăl′ĭ-tē)n. ...
网络顺序直线扫探雷达 网络释义 1. 顺序直线扫探雷达 翻译... ... sequentially closed set 序列闭集sequentially-lobed radarn.顺序直线扫探雷达sequentially compact set 列紧集 ...|基于2个网页
properties of a topological dynamical system whose base space is a sequentially compact space,and proves the main theorem:Let f be a continuous self-map- ping on a sequentially space X,thenω-limit setω(x,f)of a point x∈X is a nonempty finite set if it is a periodic orbit of f. ...
Using(Q_x,T_x),we have proved that if(X,τ)sufficessome conditions(we know normed space suffices these conditions),then, for E X,we have:Eis a relatively weakly compact set E is a relatively weakly sequentially compact set E is arelatively weakly countable compact set.As an example,we...
Let S be a totally disconnected compact Hausdorff space and C(S) be the usual Banach space consisting of all continuous real-valued functions on S. Then it is known that the closed unit ball U in C(S) is not compact but is still the closed convex hull of its extreme points. The pape...
SET theoryINVERSE functionsWe give a necessary and sufficient condition for a map to be countably compact preserving (countably compact) and use it to give a new characterization of sequential subcontinuity (inverse sequential subcontinuity) for a closed (continuous) map. It i...