Over time, it became apparent that it is more convenient to consider closure approximations which provide an estimate of the entire fiber-orientation distribution function\(\varphi {}\)based on prescribed fiber-orientation tensors, reducing the computation of the higher-order moments to a simple pos...
who manipulated the size and order of the numbers and operations and found that number magnitude and order determined which strategy was most likely to be used.
These cells utilize the carry-save addition technique to provide a delay which exhibits only a first-order dependence on the number of bits in the product. The internal logic for generating the inputs to the carry-save adders is given. This cell directly accepts the bit-serial inputs and ...
In a framework of decision making under risk, when the information about the consequences of decisions is probabilistic, a popular criterion to compare alternatives is the expected utility model axiomatized by Von Neumann and Morgenstern [35]: an elementary decision is modeled by a probability distr...
A fundamental need in shared-memory programming for all but the most trivial of problems is to properly protect or order reads and writes of shared variables. The mechanisms provided by multithreading languages and libraries—for example, locks, critical sections, and flush operations—can be diffic...
To examine the coupling of reaction and transport in subdiffusive trans- port, a steady state, multispecies analytical solution was derived for anomalous transport and sequential first-order reactions that was in agreement with the numerical model. As an example, the analytical solution and CTRW ...
Spatio-temporal event datasets often occur in real-world. The possible examples include: a dataset of crime instances and crime event types or a dataset of conflict incidents and their types. Let us consider an example of a spatio-temporal event dataset presented in Fig.1. This dataset consists...
IMpeg2PsiParser::GetRecordElementaryPid method (Windows) MIBEntryGetFirst callback function (Windows) RASMONITORDLG structure (Windows) ISequentialStream::RemoteWrite method (Windows) InterlockedIncrementRelease64 function (Windows) IDVGetEnum interface (Windows) ILNext(PUIDLIST_RELATIVE) function (Windows...
william e boyce, richard c diprima, and douglas b meade. elementary differential equations. john wiley & sons, 2017. google scholar dietrich braess. finite elements: theory, fast solvers, and applications in solid mechanics. cambridge university press, 2007. google scholar susanne...
5.3 Discussion The presented tests were performed on an elementary environment, where both systems were running on default settings and without any tuning. The pur- pose was to assess the impact of using variable-size data-chunks in comparison to a fixed-size block approach in XRootD, as well...