A programmable sequential logic circuit processes data according to a program containing instructions of different lengths, each instruction composed of one or several words. The sequential logic circuit comprises a memory containing the instructions and data words, an arithmetic and logical processing ...
Design of One Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) in QCA 鈥換uantum cellular automata (QCA) is a new technology in nanometre scale as one of the alternative to nano technology. QCA technology has large potential in terms of high space density and power dissipation with the development of the f...
The physical implementation of the multiplier employs buried-collector bipolar devices and two-level aluminum metallization to obtain a compact chip 120 mil/SUP 2/. Descriptions of the circuit's arithmetic architecture, design, performance, and use are given in detail. CAS-2 JCR-Q1 SCIE EI 13 ...
A linear optimization approach with a simple real arithmetic algorithm is presented for reliable controller design and vibration suppression of flexible structures. Using first order sensitivity of the system eigenvalues with respect to ... LG Horta,JN Juang,JL Junkins - 《Journal of Guidance Control...
(software support). The floating point divider is one of the most complicated logic blocks in arithmetic intensive digital designs. This paper discusses the different types of dividers with an emphasis on floating point sequential dividers. Performance comparisons (area and delay) of combinational and...
S. J. Piestrak, “Design of high-speed and cost-effective self-testing checkers for low-cost arithmetic codes,” IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-39, pp. 360–374, March 1990. Article Google Scholar S. J. Piestrak, “General design principles of self-testing code-disjoint PLA’s,” Pro...
Combinational logic is used to perform Boolean operation on binary input signals and binary data. The arithmetic and logic unit of a CPU performs combinational operations on the data string. Half adders, full adders, multiplexers, demultiplexers, decoders and encoders are also built based on the...
The sequential logic circuit comprises a memory containing the instructions and data words, an arithmetic and logical processing unit (ALU), and an instruction register for temporarily storing an instruction word read from the memory. An adder is connected to index the contents of address registers ...
Even the chapter discusses about the procedural blocks such as always_latch and always_ff and their use to design the efficient sequential logic. The chapter covers the SystemVerilog description of various kinds of counters, shift registers and the clocked arithmetic and logic unit....
During a decimal add operation, the decimal operands are processed as normal binary values and the result is processed a second time in the binary adder to correct the result if necessary. The two ALU (arithmetic and logic unit) steps are executed during one machine cycle which is slightly ...