无论如何,给定坐标,一个程序可以快速有效的访问任意坐标点,在这个层面上来说,数据项的选择是任意的,无论要寻找哪个数据项,找到它都需要它的地址,也就是说,它所位于的坐标。一开始是用术语"random access",因为process不管在哪个序列都能根据需求找到记录,然而很快,大家觉得术语"direct access"更贴切,因为不管记录在...
J.R. Cowie, A Direct Access Technique for Sequential Files with Variable Length Records , Software Practice and Experience , vol. 17(10), Oct. 1987, pp. 719 728.Cowie, J. R. 1987. 'A Direct Access Technique for Sequential Files with Variable Length Records' in Software Practice and ...
Article Open access 10 February 2022 The homeobox transcription factor DUXBL controls exit from totipotency Article 20 March 2024 Main In mammals, Hox genes are transcribed during gastrulation, when the embryo produces and organizes its major body axis1. By the end of gastrulation, the embryo ...
The scarcity of sequential TC hazard events in the observations prevents the direct detection of any trend. However, several parameters that influence sequential TC hazards can be analysed on the basis of observations, including TC hazard frequency and duration. We analysed the trends in hazard frequ...
What is the basic design process for an autonomous synchronous sequential circuit, and how must this be amended for a general design (i.e. one with external inputs)? 8.4 What are, and happens to, the unused states in synchronous sequential circuits? View chapterExplore book Synchronous sequenti...
This paper reports research undertaken to design and implement a B+-tree-based keyed sequential-access method (KSAM). KSAM provides primary and secondary access, which can be based on direct or sequential processing. Primary access to a data file requires three levels of indexes: super, master...
A special use case of sequential-recommendation is thesession-based recommendationtask where you only have access to the short sequence of interactions within the current session. This is very common in online services like e-commerce, news, and media portals where the user might choose to browse...
Typically, the encoding method used in deep learning neuroevolution can be divided into two categories: direct encoding and indirect encoding. For models with direct encoding, genotype representation can be directly used to map phenotypes [46,47,48]. Indirect encodings require a translatable genotype ...
Open AccessArticle Sound Change in Albanian Monolinguals and Albanian–English Sequential Bilingual Returnees in Tirana, Albania by Esther de Leeuw 1,*, Enkeleida Kapia 2,3 and Scott Lewis 1 1 Department of Linguistics, School of Languages Linguistics and Film, Queen Mary University of London,...
This class is the opposite of theAbstractListclass in the sense that it implements the "random access" methods (get(int index),set(int index, E element),add(int index, E element)andremove(int index)) on top of the list's list iterator, instead of the other way around. ...