Zhang, J., Wang, Y., and Zhen, P.; Luo, Xia; Zhang, Chao; Zhou, Lin; Lu, Yanxin; Yang, Yang; Zhang, Wei; Wan, Jun20138 (2013). Genome-wide analysis of miRNA signature differentially expressed in doxorubicin-resistant and parental human hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines. PLoS One 8...
XianzhenXu, ...ZhenjunWang 4.3.1Biological high-throughput sequencing technology The so-calledhigh-throughput sequencingtechnology, also known as large-scale parallel sequencing, is to randomly fragment DNA (or cDNA), addjoints, prepare sequencing library through the extension reaction of tens of thou...
Alonso Tapia Xuejing Liu Zhen Bouman Chen Cardiovascular Diabetology (2024) CapTrap-seq: a platform-agnostic and quantitative approach for high-fidelity full-length RNA sequencing Sílvia Carbonell-Sala Tamara Perteghella Roderic Guigó Nature Communications (2024) Nuclear and cytoplasmic specific RNA...
Bao, ZhenminKey Lab of Marine Genetics and Breeding College of Marine Life Science, Ocean University of China Qingdao ChinaJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdWang, S., J. Lv, J. Dou, Q. Lu, L. Zhang et al., 2017 Genotyping by sequencing and data analysis: RAD and 2b-RAD sequencing, pp. 338...
Wang Zhen, Zhang Jifeng, Li Hong and Li Junyi contributed equally to this work. Authors and Affiliations Key Lab of Computational Biology, CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China Zhen Wang, Hong ...
With DDR-Tree and default parameter, we used the Monocle2 (http://cole-trapnell-lab.github.io/monocle-release) to conduct the Single-Cell Trajectories analysis. We identified marker genes from the Seurat clustering result and the raw expression counts of the cells that passed filtering before ...
NEXTflex™ Small RNA Sequencing Kit v3 使用的专利和正在申请中的专利技术为small RNA建库提供一个可以减少偏差的实验方案,可免除凝胶纯化或使用低样本起始量,这个方案适用于Illumina平台。Bioo Scientific 用以减少连接偏差的方法是在连接步骤中使用随机性接头,相比传统的方法而言,大大减少了偏差的产生。数据中偏差的...
Wu HC, Lee LC, Wang WJ (2017) Associations among serum beta 2 microglobulin, malnutrition, inflammation, and advanced cardiovascular event in patients with chronic kidney disease. J Clin Lab Anal 31(3):e22056. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcla.22056 Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Zhao D, ...
Timing Zhen, Jie Li, Yi Yang, Yang Ji, Zhiliang Fu, Kaichen Xing, Tao Qing, Qiubo Wang, Ping Zhong & Sibo Zhu 8433 Accesses 15 Citations 4 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract This study aims to give a new perspective to the biomarkers in the lung adenocarcinoma (LUA...
A comprehensive cellular anatomy of normal human kidney is crucial to address the cellular origins of renal disease and renal cancer. Some kidney diseases may be cell type-specific, especially renal tubular cells. To investigate the classification and tr