Change the filter size and number of layers to easily adjust the receptive field size and the number of learnable parameters as necessary for the data and task at hand. One of the disadvantages of TCNs compared to recurrent networks is that they have a larger memory footprint during infere...
This repository has the open source implementation of a new architecture termed STConvS2S. To sum up, our approach (STConvS2S) uses only 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) to tackle the sequence-to-sequence task using spatiotemporal data. We compare our results with state-of-the-art arch...
第 1 期:RNNsearch、Multi-task、attention-mode 机器之心 2023/03/29 5190 Shreya Gherani:BERT庖丁解牛(Neo Yan翻译) tcp/ipNLP 服务机器学习神经网络深度学习 BERT是双向转换器(Bi-Transformer)的缩写。这是谷歌在2018年末开发并发布的一种新型语言模型。BERT等经过预处理的语言模型在问答、命名实体识别、自然...
dataset started off focusing on QnA but has since evolved to focus on any problem related to search. For task specifics please explore some of the tasks that have been built out of the dataset. If you think there is a relevant task we have missed please open an issue explaining your ...
For instance, it is not clear how to input a set of numbers into a model where the task is to sort them; similarly, we do not know how to organize outputs when they correspond to random variables and the task is to model their unknown joint probability. In this paper, we first show...
GPT2:CarryMeRookie:大模型系列论文 GPT2: Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks 摘要 深度神经网络(DNNs)是强大的模型,已在困难的学习任务上取得了出色的表现。尽管当有大量标记的训练集可用时,DNNs表现良好,但它们不能用于将序列映射到序列。在本文...
Our ablation study shows that pretraining helps seq2seq models in different ways depending on the nature of the task: translation benefits from the improved generalization whereas summarization benefits from the improved optimization. 展开 关键词: Computer Science - Computation and Language ...
This allows us to train grapheme-based, uni-directional attention-based models which match the performance of a traditional, state-of-the-art, discriminative sequence-trained system on a mobile voice-search task. 展开 关键词: Computer Science - Computation and Language ...
tests Keep task level checkpoint key name generic (#5330) Sep 16, 2023 .gitignore Data2vec prelim (#2929) Jan 20, 2022 .gitmodules Remove unused hf/transformers submodule (#1435) Nov 17, 2020 .pre-commit-config.yaml add masked_lm test (#4344) Apr 19, 2022 ...