In this paper, we show that a straightforward application of the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture [16] can solve general sequence to sequence problems. The idea is to use one LSTM to read the input sequence, one timestep at a time, to obtain large fixed dimensional vector ...
Various sequence to sequence architectures Basic models Machine translation encoder: many-to-one,最终输出一个向量 decoder: one-to-many,由向量输出一序列文本(序列中将前一个预测结果作为下一个的输入x) Image captioning encoder: 通过AlexNet输出一个4096d向量 decoder: one-to-many,由向量输出一序列文本(序列...
补充一些自己的东西,把自己的思路理清。 主要是这几篇论文...2014年发表,作者Cho,Bahdanau,Bengio,是seq2seq的前身。提出一种RNN的Encoder-Decoder模型型,用于统计机器翻译SMT。但是模型只是作为SMT框架的一部分进行的 从Machine Translation 到Sequence to Sequence(Seq2seq)、Attention、Pointer Network(prt network)...
你的模型有两个主要部分,一个是神经网络模型,或说是序列到序列模型(sequence to sequence model),我们将这个称作是RNN模型,它实际上是个编码器和解码器(an encoder and a decoder)。另一部分是束搜索算法,以某个集束宽度B运行。如果你能够找出造成这个错误,这个不太好的翻译的原因,是两个部分中的哪一个,不是...
第三周 序列模型和注意力机制(Sequence models & Attention mechanism) 基础模型(Basic Models) 在这一周,你将会学习 seq2seq(sequence to sequence)模型,从机器翻译到语音识别,它们都能起到很大的作用,从最基本的模型
(25)[NIPS14] Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
In this paper, to improve the translation quality of a sentence, Convolutional sequence to sequence architecture has been applied to English-Punjabi, Punjabi-English, Hindi-Punjabi, Punjabi-Hindi language pairs. The Convolution architecture consists of Gated Linear Unit (GLU) and a Multi-Hop ...
InSequence to Sequence Learning, RNN is trained to map aninput sequence to an output sequencewhich is not necessarily of the same length. Applicationsare speech recognition, machine translation, image captioning and question answering. ARCHITECTURE ...
Hands-on view of Sequence to Sequence modelling Problem Formulation for Sequence to Sequence modelling We know that to solve sequence modelling problems, Recurrent Neural Networks is our go-to architecture. Let’s take an example of a Question Answering System to understand what a sequence modelling...
Sequence to Sequence (seq2seq) How It Works Hyperparameters Model Tuning Text Classification - TensorFlow How to use Text Classification - TensorFlow Input and output interface for the Text Classification - TensorFlow algorithm How It Works TensorFlow Models Hyperparameters Model Tuning ...